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May 29, 18

Call-In Campaign to Support Evergreen Vista Tenants

Olympia Solidarity Network is launching a call-in campaign against Evergreen Vista and Mercy Housing to demand basic repairs and changes.

The Olympia Solidarity Network (OlySol) has been engaged in a campaign against Evergreen Vista and their operator Mercy Housing since being contacted by multiple tenants facing refused repairs, mold, and an inaccessible garbage disposal. While they have begun making repairs Mercy Housing has still not met the demand for an accessible garbage system at Evergreen Vista. They have provided one small trash can next to the centralized trash compactor that still remains inaccessible to many tenants with mobility issues and tenants are being fined when trash is left outside of the compactor.

We are calling on our supporters to call the following numbers and read the provided script to express concern and ask Mercy Housing what their plan is for an accessible garbage system at Evergreen Vista.

Keep in mind they may have a prepared response but we’re skeptical about the likelihood of them to follow through until we see concrete results. Please report back to OlySol with anything they tell you.

Our Contact Information:
[email protected]

Please call these numbers:
Evergreen Vista: (360) 352 2638
Mercy Housing Northwest: (206) 838 5700


“Hello Evergreen vista and Mercy housing. It has come to my attention that tenants, especially disabled tenants, at Evergreen Vista apartments in Olympia, WA, face accessibility issues, months of neglected basic repairs, and have reported general mistreatment by management. It appears that Mercy Housing doesn’t care about their tenants’ basic needs. The small garbage bin that has been installed adjacent to the large, inaccessible garbage compactor, doesn’t sufficiently address tenant’s needs. What is Mercy Housing doing to remedy this issue?”

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The Olympia Solidarity Network (OlySol) is a volunteer network that uses direct action to combat landlord and employer greed and abuse. We collaborate and organize campaigns with tenants and workers who have specific grievances against their former or current landlords and employers, such as stolen wages or denied deposits. By deploying direct action tactics (be it a picket, poster campaign or office occupation) against abusive landlords and bosses, OlySol can help win relatively immediate housing and workplace improvements for tenants and workers.

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