Apr 17, 24

Unsolvable Tension: State and Capital Against Communal Autonomy in Oaxaca

There is an unresolvable tension present in the valleys, mountains, deserts, jungles, and highlands of the southern Mexican state of Oaxaca, between... Read Full Article

Jun 30, 24

This Week in Fascism #137: Antifascists Sentenced in San Diego, Pushing Back Against Far-Right Attacks on Palestine Solidarity

Welcome back fellow antifascists! As always, we have a lot to cover in this column, especially important analysis and lots of roundups... Read Full Article

Jun 20, 24

“Every Day There’s a New Apocalypse”: An Interview with an Anarchist Medical Volunteer in Gaza

Interview with an anarchist humanitarian aid worker who reports on providing volunteer medical services in Gaza. Originally posted to Living and Fighting.... Read Full Article

Apr 3, 24

Walkouts, Blockades, and Student Occupations in Solidarity with Palestine Continue

Resistance to the US backed Israeli war and genocide against Palestinians living in the occupied territories remains ongoing, with a chorus of... Read Full Article