Aug 19, 20

On Facebook Banning Anarchist and Antifascist Pages & the Digital Censorship to Come

Today Facebook deleted a variety of far-Right militia and Qanon accounts along with anarchist and antifascist pages, including It’s Going Down and... Read Full Article

Feb 24, 22

Canadian Tire Fire #30: Vancouver Pulls Down Gassy Jack, Pipeline Project Delayed By Sabotage, State Uses Emergencies Act Against Convoy

Screenshot: Global News This week, we focus on updates from so-called Freedom Convoy protests across the country and the enactment of the... Read Full Article

Feb 24, 22

Spencer Sunshine on the Continuing Intersections of the GOP and the Insurgent Far-Right

photo: @VPS_Reports On this episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we caught up with long-time antifascist researcher, author, and activist Spencer... Read Full Article

Aug 17, 20

Report Back on ‘Protect the South’ Rally in Stone Mountain

Report back on mass action against neo-Confederate rally in Stone Mountain, Georgia this past Saturday. The rally was disrupted initially by the... Read Full Article