Jul 1, 20

The Growing Impact of far-Right Media & Conspiracies on Fusion Centers

A look at the impact and influence of far-Right media and conspiracy theories on Fusion Centers, which bring together local and federal... Read Full Article

Feb 7, 22

Boise Tent Demonstration Remains Strong in Face of Continued Police and Far-Right Harassment

Report on the ongoing situation in Boise, Idaho, as houseless demonstrators continue to face down harassment and attacks from the far-Right and... Read Full Article

Feb 6, 22

Stay Out of DC: A Report on Confronting Patriot Front at ‘March for Life’

Report back on antifascist mobilization against the neo-Nazi group Patriot Front, who attempted to march at the anti-abortion, ‘March for Life’ rally... Read Full Article

Jun 29, 20

On the Local Uprisings: Containment in Houston

The following essay was originally published on Regeneration and discusses attempts at ‘soft’ counter-insurgency in Houston in the wake of the George Floyd... Read Full Article