Jul 31, 19

How Pacific Northwest Soccer Fans Are Building Antifascist Culture

A report from soccer fans in the Pacific Northwest about the struggle to build and hold onto an antifascist culture within the... Read Full Article

Oct 5, 21

Canadian Tire Fire #14: No More Injunction At Fairy Creek, Reconciliation is (Still) Dead

This week saw Canada’s first ever National Day for Truth and Reconciliation take place on September 30th. The official federal holiday has... Read Full Article

Oct 3, 21

Anti-Pipeline Resistance and Organizing for Indigenous Survival: A Discussion

On this episode of It’s Going Down, we speak with Lakota ‘Black Elk’ Maroon, an Indigenous organizer in so-called Minnesota and the... Read Full Article

Jul 24, 19

Wind In Our Sails: On Repression & the #FreeCedar Explosion

In this episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we speak with two long-term anarchists from so-called Hamilton about the period of... Read Full Article