Jun 28, 19

Hamilton, ON: A Wake-Up Call for the Mayor

This morning, in the wake of continued repression of queer and trans anarchists, people mobilized to send a message to the Mayor... Read Full Article

Sep 16, 21

This Week in Fascism #119: Pushing Back Against the Far-Right in Rural Oregon; Boogaloos Attempt to Draw Left into Coalition; KKK Leader Linked to ‘Order’ Outed

Welcome fellow antifascists! We got a massive column for you this week. We have a major action roundup, a special report on... Read Full Article

Sep 15, 21

“Our Enemy Has Always Been the State”: Interview with Indigenous Political Prisoner Fredy García Ramírez

It’s Going Down recently had the chance to talk over the phone with Fredy García Ramírez, an Indigenous Zapotec community organizer and... Read Full Article

Jun 26, 19

Solidarity With Queer and Trans Anarchists in Hamilton, Ontario

A statement in solidarity with those facing repression in so-called Ontario and beyond for the crime of defending themselves against far-Right attacks.... Read Full Article