Jun 8, 19

This Is America #77: Knoxville Abortion Doula Collective

Welcome, to This Is America, June 7th, 2019. In this episode, we speak with someone from the Knoxville Abortion Doula Collective about... Read Full Article

Sep 1, 21

Iowa City: Thousands Take to Streets and Attack Frat House at Center of Brutal Sexual Assault

Report on recent riotous student mobilization against a frat well known for carrying out sexual assault in so-called Iowa City, Iowa. Content... Read Full Article

Aug 31, 21

This Week in Fascism #118: Anti-Vaxx & Anti-Mask Movement Gets Violent; Communities Confront Proud Boys; Anti-Immigrant Trump Supporter Threatens DC with Bomb

Welcome fellow antifascists! We’re back again with another action packed column. We bring you antifascist campaign reports from up and down the... Read Full Article

Jun 5, 19

Just Us: An Antifascist Analysis of the Rise Above Movement Case

We’re no strangers to courtrooms, felony charges, and police harassment. But what about when it’s happening to our enemies? What happens when... Read Full Article