May 22, 19

Dual Power Beyond the Local: A Conversation with Symbiosis

In this episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we talked with several people involved in a new confederation of groups called... Read Full Article

Aug 16, 21

This Week in Fascism #117: Violence Explodes as Proud Boys Unite with Far-Right Churches and Anti-Vaxxers

cover photo: @AlissaAzar Welcome fellow antifascists! Across the so-called United States, far-Right and fascist forces have embedded themselves within the growing tensions... Read Full Article

Aug 15, 21

In Conversation with Oakland Abolition and Solidarity on Strategy and the Upcoming ‘Shut’Em Down’ Demonstrations

On this episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we speak with two members of Oakland Abolition and Solidarity about their organizing... Read Full Article

May 15, 19

The Imperial Border & the Growing Attack on Migrants

In this episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we talk with two long time organizers who have worked both with migrants... Read Full Article