Jun 30, 24

This Week in Fascism #137: Antifascists Sentenced in San Diego, Pushing Back Against Far-Right Attacks on Palestine Solidarity

Welcome back fellow antifascists! As always, we have a lot to cover in this column, especially important analysis and lots of roundups... Read Full Article

Aug 10, 24

As Texas Antifascist Found “Not Guilty,” Billionaire GOP Mega-Donor Reportedly Bankrolling Lawsuit for Fascist, Anti-Semitic Group

On Thursday, August 8th, Chris “Big Tex,” was found not guilty by a jury in a criminal trial on charges of “assault... Read Full Article

Aug 6, 24

UK Communities Mobilize to Defend Themselves as Police Fail to Stop Far-Right Attacks Spurred by Viral Misinformation

Following the tragic murder of three children, a viral campaign of far-Right misinformation pushed by neo-Nazi groups like Patriotic Alternative, far-Right grifters... Read Full Article

Jun 11, 24

Strikes, Building Occupations, Blockades and Direct Actions Continue to Spread in Solidarity with Palestine

While reports on student led protests have largely left the news cycle, new encampments, both on and off campus, the taking over... Read Full Article