Oct 30, 22

Antifascists Defend Protest at UC Davis from Violent Attack by the Sacramento Proud Boys

Report on antifascist defense of a counter-rally against Turning Point USA on the UC Davis campus and how antifascists were able to... Read Full Article

Aug 31, 23

Asheville Police Use New Drone Unit to Surveil Grand Opening Of Anarchist Bookstore

Editorial from the Firestorm Bookstore and Co-op in so-called Asheville, North Carolina about police surveillance of the space’s grand re-opening. The opening... Read Full Article

Aug 26, 23

GDC Members on Non-Profit Recuperation and Grassroots Organizing in the Midwest

On this episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we speak with two members of the General Defense Committee (GDC) in Michigan,... Read Full Article

Oct 24, 22

Montreal Autonomous Tenants’ Union Resists Renoviction by Cromwell

Report on recent activity by Montreal Autonomous Tenants’ Union (SLAM). Originally posted to Montreal Coutner-Info. The views expressed within this text are not... Read Full Article