Oct 11, 22

Anarchists and Antifascists in the U.S. Must Act for Jennifer Laude where Filipinos Cannot

Editorial from the so-called Philippines, a former colony of the so-called United States, on the horrific, transphobic murder of Jennifer Laude by... Read Full Article

Aug 1, 23

In Contempt #31: New Support Campaigns Rally Across the US Against Repression

In this column, we present our monthly roundup of political prisoner, prison rebel, and repression news, happenings, announcements, action and analysis. Packed... Read Full Article

Jul 31, 23

Seize the Hospitals!…But How?: Report Back from the Health Autonomy Conference

Critical report back and analysis from members of the Black Rose Anarchist Federation on the recent Health Autonomy Conference that took place... Read Full Article

Oct 6, 22

This Is America #175: How the Mission District Pushed Back on Police and Non-Profit Attempts at Social Cleansing

Welcome, to This Is America, October 6th, 2022. On this episode, first we speak with a resident of the Mission District neighborhood... Read Full Article