Sep 14, 22

Canadian Tire Fire #44: Status For All, Police Violence and Rail Blockades

1492 Land Back Lane is due back in court on September 12th and 13th for hearings during which Haldimand County and failed... Read Full Article

Jul 6, 23

Canadian Tire Fire #61: A Win in the Fight to Stop Deportations, Toronto Rent Strike Grows

photo: @YSWtenants This week our main stories cover ongoing fights against deportations in Ontario and Quebec, as well as housing struggles, rent... Read Full Article

Jul 3, 23

In Contempt #30: Dan Baker Set to Be Released, Call-In for Rashid Johnson

In this column, we present our monthly roundup of political prisoner, prison rebel, and repression news, happenings, announcements, action and analysis. Packed... Read Full Article

Sep 6, 22

“Our Community Has Grit”: An Antifascist Report from a Hot Weekend in SoCal

What follows are two reports backs from autonomous antifascists in the Los Angeles area about community self-defense actions which took place last... Read Full Article