Apr 26, 24

“We Are Not Afraid of You”: Voices from Inside the Growing Anti-War Movement Sweeping US Campuses

On this special episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we speak with folks across the country that are taking part in... Read Full Article

Jul 4, 24

Shane Burley and Ben Lorber on “Safety Through Solidarity” and Community Mobilization in the Current Terrain

In this episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we again speak with antifascist researchers Shane Burley and Ben Lorber, authors of... Read Full Article

Jul 2, 24

In Contempt #42: Hunger Strikes and Phone Zaps, June 11th Roundup, Mexican Anarchists in Trouble

In this column, we present our monthly roundup of political prisoner, prison rebel, and repression news, happenings, announcements, action and analysis. Packed... Read Full Article

Apr 18, 24

This Is America #196: Houston Food not Bombs Fights City Hall, Montreal Autonomous Tenants’ Union, National Guard on New York Subway

Welcome, to This Is America, April 18th, 2024. In this episode, first we present an interview with a member of Houston Food... Read Full Article