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May 17, 23

Hitler Saluting “White Lives Matter” Neo-Nazis Chased Off by Locals in Templeton, CA

Neo-Nazis associated with the “White Lives Matter” network of white supremacists threw up Hitler salutes after being pushed off a freeway overpass by locals who organized a much larger counter-protest in Templeton, California, located in San Luis Obispo County.

According to The Tribune, the counter-protest came together after several community members saw a group of four masked neo-Nazis holding a banner over a freeway overpass and one individual was seen giving a “raised…arm…“sieg heil” salute.”

The local community members who initially confronted the neo-Nazis then quickly contacted their friends, who then “came out with their own signs to protest the display.”

A photo published by The Tribute shows a group of about a dozen counter-protesters who mobilized, pushing the small group of neo-Nazis to eventually pack “up their sign and [leave] in a silver sedan, with one giving a Nazi salute as they drove away.”

A video posted to Twitter shows the crowd cheering and yelling at the neo-Nazis as they slinked away back to their car, overjoyed that they had retaken the space from the white supremacists.

While Lives Matter is a network of neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and Proud Boys connected to a string of racist vandalism and violence across the country. Members of the group have carried out everything from small rallies to firebombings of churches that support the LGBTQ+ community.

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