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Mar 26, 18

Actions Across North America In Solidarity with Afrin

Across the world, actions took place in solidarity with Afrin and the Rojavan revolution. From Tokyo to Afghanistan, thousands marched, carried out actions, and showed the world that Rojava is not alone. Along with the support rallies to defend Kobane, March 24th will go down in history as one of the largest public outpourings of solidarity with the evolving radical struggle in Kurdistan, and also marked a coming together of Kurdish, anarchist, anti-capitalist, and anti-authoritarian forces around the world.

What follows is a roundup of solidarity actions that took place across so-called North America. For a roundup and report backs of other actions, be sure to check out the amazing coverage being done at Insurrection News and Fight4Afrin.

This list is incomplete, as many cities that planned actions have not released report backs or pictures. To share media and reports, email us at info [at] itsgoingdown [dot] org. 






United States

Olympia, WA

Portland, OR

From the event page:

Saturday afternoon Portlanders marched in solidarity with the revolutionary fighters of Rojava and their current struggle with attacks from the Turkish state. At the rally, prior to the march, participants read statements expressing solidarity with the armed forces of Rojava, known as the YPG and YPJ, and Kurdish residents of the besieged town of Afrin. The march, which was organized by Rojava Solidarity Portland, ended with supporters writing letters to the Kurdish people under attack.

San Francisco, CA

Inland Empire, CA

Knoxville, TN

Dallas, TX

Payam Dargalayi 发布于 2018年3月24日周六

Ann Arbor, MI

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Public display of affection: On yesterday’s International Day of Action, March 24, to #DefendAfrin, a hearty group of rebels in so-called Ann Arbor took to the walls of downtown in the midafternoon. The sun was out, and so were many people, especially in the popular “graffiti alley,” where it’s fine to do everything from spraying paint to taking selfies. Wheat pasting and flag waving, along with a zine on the #RojavaRevolution, were both meant as face-to-face outreach and long-distance show of solidarity, from so-called Michigan to the cantons of the autonomous, self-governing region of northern Syria that’s been a beacon of inspiration for over five years — and is now under assault from fascistic Turkey. Passersby stopped to look or ask questions or engage in conversation. One even helpfully took the group photo shared here. And hopefully these posters will linger a long while, reminding people here that other ways of being and living and struggling are possible. Or as they assert in Rojava: “Women! Life! Freedom!” #SolidarityAcrossBorders #ArtOfResistance

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Boston, MA

Chicago, IL

Kansas City, MO


Richmond, VA

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Norfolk, VA

Asheville, NC

New York, NY

Washington DC

New Orleans, LA

Auburn, AL

Minneapolis, MN

Worcester, MA


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