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May 24, 18

All Out Against Fascism: Toronto Anti-PEGIDA Rally

Call out from the Toronto General Defense Committee (GDC) and Toronto Against Fascism to oppose the far-Right and Islamophobic group, PEGIDA.

Social Media Event HERE

Once again PEGIDA (the “Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes”) is planning a demonstration in Nathan Philips Square. Once again, we expect various far-right groups to take part, including the Proud Boys, the Northern Guard, the Three Percenter militia, and others.

And once again we will be there to shut them down. Join us to combat chauvinism and settlerism on the streets!

WHEN: Saturday, May 26th, 12 PM – 4 PM

WHERE: Toronto City Hall, 100 Queen Street, West Toronto, Ontario

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The aims of this organization shall be to provide defense / relief to members of the working class who are being persecuted for their role in the struggle.

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