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Aug 13, 18

Banner Drops Across the World Remember Heather Heyer

A roundup of banner drops around the world remembering Heather Heyer and the historic antifascist resistance in Charlottesville.

Sacramento, CA:

From Sacramento Antifa:

Tomorrow will mark one year since Heather Heyer was killed in Charlottesville, VA opposing the far right “Unite the Right” rally. It’s also the three year anniversary of the death of Hugo Pinell, an imprisoned revolutionary who was murdered by white supremacists at Folsom Prison. We dropped this banner today in remembrance of Heather, Hugo, and all others who have lost their lives to white supremacy, and in solidarity with anti-fascists in Washington, D.C. who are preparing to oppose the second Unite the Right. White supremacy kills. It’s time to fight back!

Chicago, IL:

Richmond, VA:

Syracuse, NY: 


Detriot, MI:

Minneapolis, MN:

From Conflict MN:

With heavy hearts today, on this first anniversary of Heather Heyer’s death (and the Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville), we wish to avenge the deaths of all those who have senselessly died at the hands of fascist and state violence. We dropped a banner in hopes of it being a local catalyst–a reminder to ourselves that our dedication to fighting white supremacy and the state (in it’s many forms) cannot falter. It is a fight that our very lives depend on. 

RIP Heather Heyer and all of those killed at the hands of nazis, cops, incarceration, and the neoliberal state. 

From Conflict MN:

As we unfurled the banner in South Minneapolis today to honor Heather Heyer, we took a minute to remember the many comrades that we’ve lost to the violence that is white supremacy and terror. As people gathered at the park to enjoy a beautiful Sunday, we wanted to share our message that our hearts and bodies are in the struggle for the abolition of the State & the fascists that protect it, and the fascists that are protected by it. We distributed zines and flyers about our anti fascist organizing, and had powerful conversations about our collective efforts to keep our cities fash free. Our talks with Minnesotans at the park today solidifed that they will also join us in our commitment to confront fascists, and stop them in their tracks.

To our comrades in the streets of DC & Cville today confronting the far right and fascists, we want you to know you are not alone. Our fight against capitalism, the State, the cops, and white supremacy is a fight for our freedom from a system that imprisons our desire for total liberation.

We know that a banner drop is a symbolic show of solidarity, and symbolism will not crush the fash scum. That is why Antifa 161 has joined with MASS Appeal to continue our physical presence in the streets, distro of agit prop, and full commitment to stopping the fascist platform.

With Love & Rage,

Antifa 161 MPLS & MASS Appeal

Antifa 161 MPLS is a militant anti-capitalist & anti fascist federation of anarchists in the twin cities, and beyond.

MASS Appeal is a group of Minneapolis Antifa South Siders that are part of the new turf claiming team and street cleaning crew of Antifa 161.

PS: We are unstoppable & insatiable when it comes to making our wildest dreams of mass liberation come true.





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