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May 14, 18

Bringing The ZAD Back Home: Episode Three

The Cinema Committee returns with another video installment and update on La ZAD.

Exactly one month has passed since the events depicted in the following episode. On the night of April 14th, 2018, the rebels of the ZAD went to sleep awaiting the arrival of twenty thousand supporters who would come the next morning to help rebuild the demolished structures. By the end of that first week, the police had fired literally thousands of gas canisters, injured nearly 200 people, and arrived early each morning to harass and assault the rebels. Despite the “end of operations” announced by the government, the police only intensified their militarized presence on the ZAD.

A collective epiphany was shared by the rebels of the ZAD on the morning of April 13. Not only could they force President Macron to back down on French national television, but any promises made by the state would come only with an unpleasant cost. Like an evil jinn, the government provided a false hope of peace immediately followed by the ominous threat of warfare. While the evictions were halted after that epiphanic day, a militarized presence has been maintained on the ZAD until the present moment.

We release this video on the eve of the second wave of evictions. The state has threatened to destroy all of the structures and projects that did not fill out the mandated form for collective/individual usage. On the morning of May 15, 2018, the second assault might possibly begin. Thousands of people have converged on the ZAD, while thousands more will follow should there be any further assault. An entire month has passed since the hollow truce was declared, allowing the rebels to rebuild and fortify their communal world. From the depths of our hearts, we wish them the best of luck this coming Tuesday. Long live the ZAD!


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Situationist and anarchist inspired collective that produces films, collages, and documentaries.

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