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Jun 28, 18

Call-In Against Racist Discrimination and Retaliation at WVCF

IDOC Watch is calling for a call-in campaign. Please read and make calls.

Please call the office of IDOC Commissioner Robert Carter Jr. and request that his office investigate discrimination and retaliation in granting transfers at Wabash Valley Correctional Facility. Specifically, we are concerned about the situation of James Phillips #106333, who signed his transfer papers over six months ago ago but is still being held on administrative segregation at WVCF, even as other people who arrived on that unit after him and signed their papers after him have already been transferred.

Mr. Phillips believes that he is being discriminated against in priority for transfer (he is Black and everyone who has been transferred ahead of him is white), and as retaliation for his political activity. He was put in administrative segregation last summer after he was attacked by other prisoners, and has been held there since because he has refused to give information on other prisoners to the prison authorities.

Sample script:

“Hello, I am calling to request that the Commissioner look into a pattern of racial discrimination and retaliation in granting transfers on the administrative segregation unit at Wabash Valley Correctional Facility. Specifically, please look into the case of James Phillips #106333, who has been in administrative segregation for nearly a year and has been awaiting transfer since December 2017. I am concerned that he is being discriminated against.”

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Indiana Department of Corrections Watch • Reporting on abuse in Indiana's prisons and building a movement to fight back!

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