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Oct 8, 18

Montreal: Colonial & Racist John A. Macdonald Monument Once Again Vandalized

In the run up to a massive anti-racist and anti-colonial demonstrations in Montreal, a statue of John A. Macdonald was again vandalized. The following communique and video was first posted to Montreal Counter-Info.

PHOTO: Graham Hughes / THE CANADIAN PRESS file photo

MONTREAL, October 7, 2018 — On the eve of a demonstration against racism in Montreal, a group of anonymous local anti-colonial, anti-racist, anti-capitalist activists have again successfully defaced the historical monument to Canada’s first Prime Minister, John A. Macdonald, located in downtown at Place du Canada.

According to Art Public Montreal: “Among the monuments erected to the memory of Macdonald, the one in Montréal is the most imposing and elaborate.” The monument, built in 1895, is again covered in red paint.

Colonial & Racist John A. Macdonald Monument once again vandalized with red paint in Montreal / Monument raciste et colonial à John A. Macdonald défiguré encore une fois

Monument raciste et colonial à John A. Macdonald défiguré encore une fois à Montréal /// Colonial & Racist John A. Macdonald Monument once again vandalized with red paint in MontrealNo Borders Media partage cette information avec le public, mais nous ne sommes pas responsables de cette action. Le vidéo ici est posté par No Borders Media à titre informatif seulement. // No Borders Media anonymously received the communiqué below, as well as this video which has been uploaded, for information purposes only. No Borders Media is sharing this information with the public, but we are not responsible for this action. (English follows the French)—–Monument raciste et colonial à John A. Macdonald défiguré encore une fois à Montréal (avec vidéo) MONTRÉAL, 7 octobre 2018 — À la veille d'une manifestation contre le racisme à Montréal, un groupe local et anonyme de militant.e.s anticoloniaux, antiracistes, et anticapitalistes ont réussi à vandaliser le monument historique au premier des premiers ministres du Canada, John A. Macdonald, situé au centre ville sur la Place du Canada. Selon Art Public Montréal: « Parmi les monuments érigés à la mémoire de Macdonald, celui de Montréal est le plus imposant et le plus élaboré. » Le monument, construit en 1895, es encore une fois t recouvert de peinture rouge. – Une vidéo du vandalisme sur la statue est disponible ici:-é par No Borders Media à titre informatif seulement) Les individus responsables de cette action ne sont pas affiliés avec la manifestation antiraciste d'aujourd'hui ( mais ont décidé de cibler la statue de John A. Macdonald comme clair symbole du colonialisme, du racisme, et de la suprématie blanche. L'action d'aujourd'hui est inspirée en partie des mouvements aux États-Unis qui visent à faire enlever les symboles publics de la suprématie blanche, tels que les statues de la confédération. Elle est aussi motivée par les revendications décoloniales, telles que le mouvement « Rhodes doit tomber » en Afrique du Sud. De plus, nous sommes directement inspiré.e.s par les revendications de militant.e.s anticolonialistes — à la fois autochtones et non-autochtones — contre John. A. Macdonald, en particulier à Kingston en Ontario, la ville natale de Macdonald. Nous notons également les efforts ailleurs dans l'état Canadien pour changer le nom des écoles nommées d'après Macdonald, incluant une résolution de la Fédération des enseignants d'école primaire d'Ontario qui dénoncent Macdonald comme « Architecte du génocide des peuples autochtones ». John A. Macdonald était un suprémaciste blanc. Il a contribué directement au génocide des peuples autochtones par la création du système brutal des écoles résidentielles, ainsi que par d'autres mesures visant à détruire les cultures et traditions indigènes. Il était raciste et hostile envers les groupes minoritaires non-blancs au Canada, appuyant ouvertement la préservation d'un Canada soit-disant « Aryen ». Il a passé des lois dans le but d'exclure les personnes d'origine chinoise. Il a été responsable de la pendaison du martyr Métis Louis Riel. La statue de Macdonald a sa place dans un musée, et non pas comme monument occupant l'espace public à Montréal. Le vidéos et le communiqué de cette action ont été partagés anonymement avec des médias autonomes de la région de Montréal. Nous exprimons également notre support et notre solidarité la plus sincère envers les manifestants qui prennent les rues aujourd'hui en opposition au racisme. Ni patrie, ni état, ni Québec, ni Canada!– Une poignée d'antiracistes anticoloniaux.No Borders Media partage cette information avec le public, mais nous ne sommes pas responsables de cette action.+++++++No Borders Media anonymously received the communiqué below, as well as the following video which has been uploaded, for information purposes only, to the No Borders Media fb page and twitter. No Borders Media is sharing this information with the public, but we are not responsible for this action.—–Colonial & Racist John A. Macdonald Monument once again vandalized with red paint in Montreal (with video) MONTREAL, October 7, 2018 — On the eve of a demonstration against racism in Montreal, a group of anonymous local anti-colonial, anti-racist, anti-capitalist activists have again successfully defaced the historical monument to Canada’s first Prime Minister, John A. Macdonald, located in downtown at Place du Canada. According to Art Public Montreal: “Among the monuments erected to the memory of Macdonald, the one in Montréal is the most imposing and elaborate.” The monument, built in 1895, is again covered in red paint. – A video of the vandalism on the statue is available here:- (posted by No Borders Media for informational purposes only) The individuals responsible for this action are not affiliated with today’s anti-racist demonstration ( but have decided to target the John A. Macdonald statue as a clear symbol of colonialism, racism and white supremacy. The action today is inspired in part by movements in the USA to target public symbols of white supremacy for removal, such as Confederate statues. It’s also motivated by decolonial protests, like the “Rhodes Must Fall” movement in South Africa. As well, we are directly inspired by protests by anti-colonial activists – both Indigenous and non-Indigenous – against John. A. Macdonald, particularly in Kingston, Ontario, Macdonald’s hometown. We also note efforts elsewhere in the Canadian state to rename the schools named after Macdonald, including a resolution by the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario who denounced Macdonald as the ‘architect of genocide against Indigenous people.’John A. Macdonald was a white supremacist. He directly contributed to the genocide of Indigenous peoples with the creation of the brutal residential schools system, as well as other measures meant to destroy native cultures and traditions. He was racist and hostile towards non-white minority groups in Canada, openly promoting the preservation of a so-called “Aryan” Canada. He passed laws to exclude people of Chinese origin. He was responsible for the hanging of Métis martyr Louis Riel. Macdonald’s statue belongs in a museum, not as a monument taking up public space in Montreal. Video and text of this action have been shared anonymously with some Montreal-area autonomous media sources. We express our heartfelt support and solidarity with the protesters taking today’s streets in Montreal in opposition to racism. Ni patrie, ni état, ni Québec, ni Canada! — Some local anti-colonial anti-racists.No Borders Media is sharing this information with the public, but we are not responsible for this action.

No Borders Media 发布于 2018年10月7日周日

The individuals responsible for this action are not affiliated with today’s anti-racist demonstration ( but have decided to target the John A. Macdonald statue as a clear symbol of colonialism, racism and white supremacy.

The action today is inspired in part by movements in the USA to target public symbols of white supremacy for removal, such as Confederate statues. It’s also motivated by decolonial protests, like the “Rhodes Must Fall” movement in South Africa. As well, we are directly inspired by protests by anti-colonial activists – both Indigenous and non-Indigenous – against John. A. Macdonald, particularly in Kingston, Ontario, Macdonald’s hometown. We also note efforts elsewhere in the Canadian state to rename the schools named after Macdonald, including a resolution by the Elementary Teachers’ Federation of Ontario who denounced Macdonald as the ‘architect of genocide against Indigenous people.’

John A. Macdonald was a white supremacist. He directly contributed to the genocide of Indigenous peoples with the creation of the brutal residential schools system, as well as other measures meant to destroy native cultures and traditions. He was racist and hostile towards non-white minority groups in Canada, openly promoting the preservation of a so-called “Aryan” Canada. He passed laws to exclude people of Chinese origin. He was responsible for the hanging of Métis martyr Louis Riel. Macdonald’s statue belongs in a museum, not as a monument taking up public space in Montreal.

Video and text of this action have been shared anonymously with some Montreal-area autonomous media sources.

We express our heartfelt support and solidarity with the protesters taking today’s streets in Montreal in opposition to racism.

Ni patrie, ni état, ni Québec, ni Canada!
— Some local anti-colonial anti-racists.

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Montreal Counter-info aspires to provide a space for anarchists in Montreal to diffuse their ideas and actions across overlapping networks and tendencies, outside the realm of leftist or corporate media projects.

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