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Contact & Contribute

Got a comment, suggestion? Please write us at info [a t] itsgoingdown [d o t] org

Content Submissions:

IGD wants to share your story. We accept original content that shares the perspectives and intentions of It’s Going Down. We have taken several steps to help ensure privacy, security, and anonymity; however, this is not foolproof. We need your help in this process. We read and review all submitted content and ask that you please respect our time and efforts by reviewing the following guidelines.


  • Please include AT LEAST one picture. Make sure that this photo is not copy-written.
  • Please proofread, edit, and fact check your piece. You can do this by linking to supporting facts or citing sources.
  • To embed a Tweet, YouTube video, or Instagram post, include the URL in the body of your submission.
  • Feel free to include PDFs, we will upload them into the post.
  • You can remove METADATA with this.

Form Checklist:

  • Examples of contributions are editorials, first-hand accounts, analyses, critiques, report backs, interviews, documentaries, original research, essays, etc.
  • Please limit linking to or re-posting from corporate media; if a comrade / movement source is unavailable please provide some analysis.
  • Photos, Tweets, and videos are strongly encouraged! Remember to wipe your meta (EXIF) data.
  • Please spell and grammar check articles and be intentional with HTML formatting.
  • Please do not share anything that directly or indirectly incriminates individuals. If you are unsure on security culture basics, read here or listen here.

Content Checklist:

  • Does the analysis come from an autonomous and anti-authoritarian, anti-colonial, and anti-capitalist perspective?
  • Is the action self-organized outside the hands of top-down groups, political parties, and non-profits?
  • Is the activity in conflict with an institution of power?
  • Was this a direct action or just a symbolic one?
  • Is the piece speak to a larger context or history of revolt?
  • Keep in mind anything posted on IGD will be read by friends and enemies alike.

Due to legal considerations we may not publish some submissions. Other sites where submissions are accepted include the following: (International) (US and International) (US and International) (British Columbia) (Ontario) (Montreal) (PNW) (Portland) (Bay Area) (Southwest) (Colorado) (Great Lakes) (Chicago) (Pittsburgh) (Philly) (New Jersey) (NYC)

Send Submissions To:

Send submissions to our Protonmail @ info [a t] itsgoingdown [d o t] org

Send reports in email form, as an attachment, or better yet, on an easy to use (and free) Riseup Pad or CryptPad.