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Dec 21, 23

Demonstrators Decry SLAPP Lawsuits Targeting Movement Against Mountain Valley Pipeline

Report on recent protest in Abingdon, Virginia against SLAPP lawsuits targeting the movement fighting the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP).

Mountain Valley Pipeline is suing dozens of pipeline opponents in multiple jurisdictions for millions of dollars as part of a campaign of ongoing repression. Penn Stuart, the law firm behind the injunctions currently being levied against pipeline fighters in Virginia, and their Lawyer Wade Massie are hired by EQT Midstream, the largest partner in the MVP. Today, people had an office party at the Penn Stuart offices in Abingdon, VA, causing a ruckus.

These SLAPP suits are meant to intimidate and frighten people away from taking action. They are a scare tactic that corporations have used over and over again against people, like those in Appalachia, who are fighting for their communities and for a better world.

Folks fighting the MVP on the ground won’t be scared off by SLAPP suits. We are asking for you to join our fight and organize a solidarity action against the companies, banks, investors, shippers and project partners backing this pipeline January 29th-31st.

Source: Appalachians Against Pipelines on Facebook

The investors, project partners, and lawyers conspiring with this dangerous pipeline company to cause ecological violence should not be allowed to go about their business as usual. Our movement is made stronger by pushing back against this kind of repression. If you are fighting, fight harder. If you are speaking up against these type of projects, be louder. Cause more of a ruckus, disrupt more, and don’t back down.

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Defending Appalachia from the Mountain Valley Pipeline, Atlantic Coast Pipeline, and more. No new pipelines in Appalachia!

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