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Jan 9, 17

Denver: Support Anarchist Targeted for Political Graffiti

From Denver Anarchist Black Cross (ABC)

Earlier in 2016, a comrade in Denver pled guilty to property damage in a case of street art depicting “Smoke Cops, Not Weed,” along with other anti-police/anarchist things.

Legal Update: Denver Anarchists Sign Pleas in Graffiti Case:

After some new evidence and apparently constant phone calls from George Gray (of the DPD’S Gang Unit) to the ADA, two Denver-based anarchists have decided to accept a plea deal. The police allege that the majority, if not all, anti-police and anarchist graffiti found in a few mile radius can be traced back to just us two anarchists, once again making all of us seem more badass than we actually are. Its as if they believe the Alex Jones theory that we all receive paychecks from the Illuminati or some shit. If only we got paid to do this shit…

I plead to a class 1 misdemeanor destruction of property, with 12 months unsupervised probation, while my codefendant, having video evidence against them, received a class 6 felony criminal mischief with 18 months supervised probation. Both of us have to pay $2100 (joint and several) due by March 2017. A fundraiser to help us pay our restitution is forthcoming.

As always,
Smoke Cops, Not Weed


Donate towards their restitution/legal fees & we will send you a t-shirt!
A t-shirt will be sent for any donation of $20 (outside Denver) and $15 (Denver delivery)!

Please email [email protected] with your size – XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL. We will be printing and mailing shirts once the campaign is finished. Thank you for your support!

Denver Anarchist Black Cross


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The Denver Anarchist Black Cross exists to contribute to the defense of social movements, both internally and externally, working against oppression and for self determination.

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