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Jan 22, 17

Vancouver, WA: Fast-Food IWW Organizer Arrested By Police at Workplace Protest

From Burgerville Workers Union

Last night Jordan was arrested for protesting his illegal firing. With the support of his coworkers community members occupied the Vancouver Plaza Burgerville demanding that Jordan be immediately rehired and that the company end its appalling anti-union campaign. Jordan presented an application for employment and told the story of his unjust firing. Instead of listening or responding, managers immediately called the police, who showed up in full force. Jordan refused to leave until he was rehired.

As his coworkers and supporters sang ‘solidarity forever’, the police arrested Jordan for “criminal trespassing.” He has since been released and is ready to continue standing up against poverty wages and union retaliation. We are ready to fight with Jordan, and we are ready to win. Stand with Jordan and the BVWU at our J25:Picket for Worker Justice this Wednesday, January 25 at the Convention Center Burgerville 6:30-8pm. An injury to ONE is and injury to ALL!

#standwithjordan#baglegate #BVWU #J25

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