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Jun 2, 24

Fort Worth, TX: Court Support Needed for Community Organizer Targeted by Fascist Group

Call to support Chris “Big Tex” G, a community organizer targeted by fascist groups in North Texas. For more info, go here.

Chris “Big Tex” G. is a community organizer from North Texas who was arrested after a cop riot at a drag show in Fort Worth and indicted by a grand jury on bogus charges. Tarrant County officials immediately assigned a white collar special prosecutor who has acted at every turn to stall his requests for trial.

Subsequent to his arrest, Chris was served with a quarter million dollar lawsuit on behalf of the New Columbia Movement. NCM is a self-described “Christian-fascist fraternity” that has generated a personality around bullying those they don’t agree with.

Anti-Semitic social media post from the New Columbia Movement.

According to investigative journalist, Steve Monacelli of the Texas Observer, self-described “Christian Fascist” Kelly Neidert is a member of the New Columbia Movement. Neidert has called for “rounding up” those who attend Pride events.

The lawyers for New Columbia Movement have filed motions to quash subpoenas compelling members of the Neo-Nazi group from testifying in Chris’s criminal trial.

Members of the New Columbia Movement rally alongside the neo-Nazi group, Patriot Front.

The attorneys from Jackson Walker have so far exploited Chris’s pro se status in the civil case they have brought against him to withhold numerous admissions to discovery. The realization of their clients testifying to competent representation must terrify them as they have interjected themselves in Chris’s criminal trial to prevent the truth being heard.

We are calling on the community to show up and show their support on Tuesday, June 18th at noon where oral arguments for these motions will be heard, and witness concerted collaboration between the Tarrant County Prosecutors office and neo-Nazis. Please share the following graphic widely:

Your donations are gratefully appreciated to continue fighting against this asinine malicious prosecution. Donate here.

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Community organizer in North Texas being targeted by fascist and anti-Semitic groups.

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