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Oct 26, 16

Free the Austin Antifa 3

From Dallas Antifa

Wednesday Oct 26th, our comrades in Austin asked us to help spread the word that 3 members of Antifa Austin have been arrested and charged with felonies for covering racist graffiti on the University of Texas campus.

We’d like to remind our readers that in recent months, white supremacists have been targeting college campuses with racist leaflets and posters in an attempt to capitalize on the current reactionary climate and enflame racial conflict.

Red Guards Austin:

Austin ANTIFA comrades have been arrested, they are in urgent need of our utmost support. Three Anti-fascists were arrested after being suspected of attending an action on the University of Texas Campus. Fascist organizing has escalated recently and multiple student organizations have issued the call to fight back. At a young conservative racist bake sale this morning masked activists expropriated the goods and stopped the sale. This afternoon ANTIFA buffed a white power Celtic cross and hung a big letter poster. The poster reading something to the effect of: anti-racist students have removed racist graffiti which the University of Texas has let stand for 8 months. A statement was read over a megaphone and comrades chanted ANTIFA. No one was arrested at the action but three of our comrades were detained after the fact and have been charged with felonies.

We need your help! These arrests were made in the context of increased fascist activity and state repression. InfoWars fascists have stirred the pot on the anti-gentrification struggles on Austin’s east side, mobilizing their base of violent fascists who have been online stalking, making death threats and planning demonstrations.

Red Guards Austin sends our utmost solidarity to these Anti-fascist political hostages of state repression. We must increase the pressure and organize on their behalf. Please consider a donating to Austin ANTIFA at the following link;

Stay tuned for actions and updates.
Show up or call in:

Dare to struggle dare to win!
Smash fascism on campus and in our streets!

-Red Guards Austin 2016

Dallas Antifa support statement:

Anyone who has the courage to take revolutionary action against the hateful vitriol of white supremacists deserve our unwavering support and love. The Austin Antifa 3 are being unfairly targeted by the state, which has shown us time and time again it’s sympathies to neo-fascists and white supremacists. You can lock our revolutionaries up, but you can never chain hearts that have love for the people.

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Anti-Fascist organizing collective in North Texas.

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