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May 5, 18

Gainesville, FL: Hell Raised At Prison on May Day

Report on anti-prison actions on May Day in Gainesville, Florida.

IWOC and Fight Toxic Prisons members celebrated May Day by raising hell at the University of Florida office of admissions building over contracts with FDOC slave labor.

People filled the University of Florida’s Admissions office and marched in the streets demanding that the county, city, and University stop using slave labor contracts. It’s pretty bad when a university has to be told that slavery is wrong in 2018!

Join the fight to #EndPrisonSlavery and stop the exploitation of our communities. To get involved in Florida, check out groups like Fight Toxic Prisons, the Gainesville chapter of the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee (IWOC), Or the Campaign for Prison Reform (CPR), among others who are gearing up for #Juneteenth, a national day of action and solidarity, while always fighting for the rights of incarcerated people.

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