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Nov 2, 15

Highway blockade and banner drop against the dumping in the St. Lawrence

From Montreal Counter-Info

On Monday morning, during peak rush hour traffic, we blockaded the Notre-Dame highway with debris and construction materials. We dropped two banners which read “CONTRE LE DÉVERSEMENT DANS LE ST-LAURENT” (Against the dumping in the St. Lawrence) and “SOLIDARITY WITH ALL LAND DEFENDERS”.

On November 3, the city of Montreal plans to dump 8 billion liters of raw sewage (including industrial and medical waste) into the St. Lawrence river. This raw sewage is not only polluting the St-Lawrence, but affects all the communities downstream. Residents of Kahnawake have already demonstrated their anger with Mayor Coderre’s careless treatment of this river through several demonstrations, including stopping railway traffic.

Stopping the flow of morning traffic is a small gesture that speaks to the necessity of stopping this city, this economy, this entire civilization whose proper functioning rests on the displacement or outright attack of all forms of life.

– anarchists


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Montreal Counter-info aspires to provide a space for anarchists in Montreal to diffuse their ideas and actions across overlapping networks and tendencies, outside the realm of leftist or corporate media projects.

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