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Apr 8, 19

IGD At a Crossroads: Help Us Continue Into the Next Four Years

This summer will mark the 4 year anniversary of It’s Going Down’s launch in 2015. While our listeners and readers have kept us afloat this long, by early 2019, IGD is at a crossroads. Either we triple the amount of people that donate monthly to this project by the end of the year, or by 2020, we will be forced to drastically scale back – or end – what we are doing, creating, and producing.

Right now, there are about 70 people who donate every month to It’s Going Down and for this we are grateful. Our goal is to triple this to at least 200 by the end of the year. We know we can make this goal due to the degree in which IGD has become a community resource and a clearinghouse of movement news and infrastructure – because people literally tell us this everyday. We also know that the audience of our podcast is also growing with each episode; we’re even streamed off of one of the largest radio stations in the Bay Area of California, KPFA.

We know that if this were to be IGD’s last year, or if we were forced to seriously scale back the amount of content we produce, edit, promote, and record, then the movement as a whole would be at a loss. As hard as this is to imagine, if we continue to run into the red, then we physically will be left with no other choice. At this point in our project, we have to get to the point of growing, not constantly starting over.

There are three ways to help us:

SIGN UP TO DONATE MONTHLYHelp us reach our goal of 200 monthly supporters by the end of the year. Monthly donations can be as low as just $2 and the average monthly donation is $10-20. Click here to sign up to donate monthly.

GIVE US A ONE TIME DONATIONIf you are able to donate to IGD, please do. Your donation will help us continue and grow. Donate here.

BUY FROM OUR ONLINE STORE: Our store is completely re-organized with new shirts, sticker packs, zine packs, books, and more! Check out the store here.

Our updated store is chopped full of new shirts, new sticker packs, new zines, and more!

We know the with the support of the tens of thousands of listeners and readers who use and interact with IGD weekly, we can reach our goal. We plan to be around for a long time and continue to grow and build beyond where we are now. Without our supporters backing us however, we won’t be able to get there.

Please, if you value the work what we do and the content, then stand behind us today.

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It’s Going Down is a digital community center from anarchist, anti-fascist, autonomous anti-capitalist and anti-colonial movements. Our mission is to provide a resilient platform to publicize and promote revolutionary theory and action.

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