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Jul 2, 24

In Contempt #42: Hunger Strikes and Phone Zaps, June 11th Roundup, Mexican Anarchists in Trouble

In this column, we present our monthly roundup of political prisoner, prison rebel, and repression news, happenings, announcements, action and analysis. Packed in as always are updates, fundraisers, and birthdays.

There’s a lot happening, so let’s dive right in!

June 11th

June 11th is the annual day of solidarity with Marius Mason and all long-term anarchist prisoners. This year, anarchist prisoners Sean Swain, Michael Kimble, and Xinachtli released statements for the day, along with Marius Mason, and the collective shared a video and memories from a bold graffiti action in Russia 20 years ago. June 11th actions included postering in Montevideo, Uruguay, graffiti at the United Nations building in New York as well as in Madrid, Spain, and banners being displayed in Örebro, Uppsala and Stockholm, Sweden, as well as at the camp of resistance for Palestine in Manchester, UK.

Public events were organized in Olympia, Washington, Chicago, Illinois, Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Washington, Cincinnati, Ohio, Bloomington, Indiana, Inland Empire, California, Austin, Texas, Ypsilanti, Michigan, Asheville, North Carolina, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, London, UK, Digne-les-Bains, France, Valparaiso and Santiago, Chile.

To mark the date, the Final Straw Radio released a special episode focused on themes of memory and movement, and the Fire Ant collective released a new issue of their zine, with letters, poetry, and updates by and about Michael Kimble, Sean Swain, Toby Shone, and Eric King (just before his release).

Political Prisoner News

Long-term indigenous political prisoner Leonard Peltier had a parole hearing on June 10th. You can read a statement from his attorneys here. According to NBC News however, “The federal Parole Commission has denied Leonard Peltier’s bid for parole, his lawyer said Tuesday, another setback in freeing the ailing Indigenous rights activist who has long maintained his innocence in the killing of two FBI agents almost 50 years ago.”

July 25th is the international day of solidarity with antifascist prisoners, and you can read the 2024 call for the day here.

Marius Mason’s support team are asking for people to write in and help him get adequate healthcare, both gender-affirming and in relation to a possible cancer. From Mason’s support site:

In 2013, Marius came out as a transman, while incarcerated in FMC Carswell, Texas. Since then, Marius has fought for any recognition or affirmation of his gender, with little concrete response from the BOP. In addition to gender affirming surgery, ultrasound test results have indicated that Marius may have other serious medical needs that continue to go unaddressed.

Now, Marius is asking that we offer him support by writing to Colette Peters, the Director of the Federal Bureau Prisons. This letter will bring attention to his case. This example letter was written by Marius, along with his support team and attorney.

Director Colette Peters
Federal Bureau of Prisons
320 First Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20534

For more info on how to support, go here.

Former political prisoner Eric King continues to work on bringing together other political prisoners. You can watch a recent talk on “Continuing the Struggle Inside and Out,” which brought together Eric, Ashanti Alston, and Ray Luc Levasseur, all contributors to the recent book Rattling the Cages, here.

Upcoming events connected to Rattling the Cages (and July 25) are:

  • Saturday, June 29, in-person, Denver, CO: Eric and author Josh Fernandez will discuss antifascism at the Mutiny Information Cafe.
  • Saturday, July 20, virtual Firestorm panel talk: Antifascism Behind Bars, journalist Alissa Azar interviews former political prisoners David Campbell and Eric King register here!
  • Saturday, July 20, in-person, Eugene, OR: Josh will be doing a book event with the Willamette Valley Abolition Project at Tsunami Books.

An urgent call has gone out for solidarity with Mexican anarchist political prisoners Miguel Peralta and Jorge “Yorch” Esquivel. Miguel Peralta had an important court hearing on June 19th, which could see him freed, while Yorch has just been sentenced to seven years and six months in prison. The Okupa Che squat has released a statement calling for Yorch’s freedom.

Eco-prisoner and pipeline fighter Jessica Reznicek has issued a new statement from inside the prison walls, writing:

Hello Good People of the World,

First, I want to thank you for all your prayers, love and support.  I feel you all close to me in heart and mind on a daily basis. Your gestures of care and concern are constantly lightening the burden of incarceration for me and my prison family. Well, I am a few years into my prison sentence now and fully immersed in the culture here. In some ways, I expected this depth of closeness to develop but was for the most part unaware of the intimacies which would form within the relationships of my prison family.

In here we do not hesitate to give tithe to the bonds that create between one and another. We belong to each other and so we name it. We are family. We are aunties and uncles to one another. Sisters and brothers, dads and moms, sons, daughters, wives and husbands. We embody these roles as we learn how best to look out for each other. This truly is the biggest, realest human family I’ve ever known. Good, bad and ugly. We grieve together. We laugh together.  Get sick together. Heal together. Our hearts break and so then we cry together. Break bread together. We fight together. Hide the bruises together. But then we laugh together, sing. Dance. Pray. Celebrate. We stick together. All of it, together as a family.

The emphasis I’ve placed on ‘connectedness’ has transformed in recent years into a rich and deep sense of love for my human family. And so what I am saying is that when you make the decision to support me, you are in reality supporting of us. And thank you so much for all you do.

Love, Jessica Reznicek 19293030 & The Good People of Wascca

Head to Jessica’s support site here for more info on how to support and write to Jessica here:

Jessica Reznicek # 19293-030
FCI Waseca
PO Box 1731
Waseca, MN 56093

Uprising Defendants, Stop Cop City and Other Ongoing Cases

A statement is being circulated in solidarity with all Stop Cop City defendants, while an important motion has just been filed by the defense, which could potentially lead to the dropping of all RICO charges. As Atlanta organizer Micah Herskind wrote:

The Georgia Attorney General’s office appears to have made a major blunder in the ongoing prosecution of 61 Stop Cop City activists—one that could potentially cost the state its case altogether.

According to a motion filed by attorneys for three defendants who run the nonprofit Atlanta Solidarity Fund (ASF), Georgia Deputy Attorney General John Fowler’s prosecutorial team has extensively and brazenly violated multiple defendants’ right to attorney-client privilege.

This motion is just the most recent episode in the RICO case that has been denounced by activists and legal experts as a political prosecution intended to punish and intimidate those in the Stop Cop City movement.

The AG office’s actions, the motion argues, represent a “brazen violation of the attorney-client privilege, the Sixth Amendment, and the Due Process Clause of the United States Constitution, and the Georgia Constitutional right to counsel in all cases.”

Reporting from The Guardian confirmed that the state’s breach of attorney-client privilege was not limited just to the ASF defendants, as attorneys for other defendants in the sweeping RICO prosecution verified that the state shared privileged information for their clients as well.

The Manhattan DA’s office has dropped charges related to the Columbia University encampment against 30 people, with 14 more due to appear in court.

Following raids and an arrest in the bay area, Casey Goonan has been accused of three arson attacks and the burning of a UC Berkeley Police Department vehicle in June in solidarity with the people of Palestine. You can find a statement that was posted to Indybay about the actions here, and the most recent update from Casey’s support committee here. Protesters arrested as part of the Columbia encampment held a press conference in solidarity with defendants including Casey and the Stop Cop City arrestees.

Write Casey (Tips)

Casey Goonan #BNZ132
Santa Rita Jail
5325 Broder Boulevard
Dublin, CA 94568

Breach Media has just published a new report on the police operation cracking down on Palestine solidarity activists in Toronto.

The support committee for Peppy and Krystal, facing charges for alleged actions against a transphobic rally, have posted several updates, including a full timeline of the case so far, and a listing of important upcoming dates as their trial approaches. They’re encouraging people to write to Peppy, who’s held in pre-trial detention, and also to send messages via email for Krystal, who’s out on bail but still facing serious charges.

You can write to Peppy at:

Butler County Prison
c/o Brian DiPippa
#42322 PO Box 9156
Seminole, FL 33775-9156

His support crew advise:

As you’re sitting down to write that first letter to Peppy please know he’s looking forward to hearing from any and all supporters! And if you’re wondering what to write, make note that Peppy really likes skateboarding, comedy, and uplifting and heartwarming stories. Autumn is his favorite season, so beautiful descriptions of the changing colors we see in Pittsburgh or wherever you may be writing him from would really hit the spot. As for Pittsburgh specifically and the aesthetically pleasing aspects of this city, he’d love to hear about your favorite spots. Maybe it’s one of the bridges or the city steps that go up hillsides!  Peppy also likes hearing about and learning about people and places all over the globe. So, feel free to reach out and connect on any of those topics!

Messages for Krystal can be sent to [email protected].

Two defendants in the “San Diego antifa” case, Jeremy White and Brian Lightfoot, have just received two-year sentences
, with others receiving sentences of up to a year. You can find a statement from Jeremy here, and Jeremy’s legal fundraiser is still running, with future donations to be used for commissary and the appeals process.

Hunger Strikes and Calls to Action

A phone zap has been organized for Alejandro “Capo” Rodriguez-Ortiz of the Vaughn 17, who is facing retaliation after being moved back to Vaughn. DC IWOC write:

He’s been back at James T Vaughn for 4 months and they continue to deny him a job, education, vocational training, or any programming!! Then recently security denied him an honor visit, even tho he qualifies. We’re asking for support in calling the wardens office and Dover (central office) for him to have access to a job/education/programs.

JTVCC wardens office: 302-653-9261
Dover commissioners office: 3027395601
Name: Alejandro Rodriguez-Ortiz SBI 515700

Script: Hello, I am calling on behalf of Alejandro Rodriguez-Ortiz, SBI 515700. I hear that security is denying him an honor visit even though he qualifies, and he is also being denied a job and programming. He has been back at Smyrna for 4 months and has not had any write ups and is trying to live in peace. Why are they denying him a job and honor visit? This type of vindictive behavior from security is corrupt. Please reconsider and let him have the honor visit and give him job opportunities to succeed.

According to an update: “[They] will try to get you to contact family services about the visit. However this does not remedy the fact that the prison is withholding opportunities for a job, which he would need to apply again in the future for an honor visit.”

Indiana prisoner and organizer Kwame “Beans” Shakur has begun a hunger strike after being moved to solitary confinement. The Kwame Shakur Freedom Campaign suggest:

Please contact these officials repeatedly:
Miami Correctional Facility at 765-689-8920 and select option 1 for administration and/or option 6 for Internal Affairs.
Miami Correctional Facility Warden Brian English at 765-689-8920, ext. 5586; email: [email protected]
Miami Correctional Facility Classification Kevin McKinney at 765-689-8920, option 4
MCF Deputy Commissioner of Operations James Basinger at 317-232-1309; email: [email protected]
MCF Internal Affairs Niles Wise at 765-689-8920 option 6; email: [email protected]
MCF Ombudsman Charlene Burkett at 317-234-3190; email: [email protected]

Script for calling and emailing:

“I am a (family / friend / comrade) of Michael Joyner, DOC #149677, and I am (calling / emailing) to demand he be placed back into general population. Kwame is being unjustly held in RHU (solitary confinement) on a fraudulent investigation as retaliation and harassment for his affiliation with community improvement organizations. This is a direct violation of his civil rights.”

More updates about the hunger strike can be found at the Jericho New York site.

Amber Kim, a trans woman held in the Washington prison system, has recently been transferred from a women’s to a men’s prison, and has now begun a hunger strike in response. A phone zap was organized to support her, and as of June 28th organizers were asking people to take a break from calling, but encouraged people to write her at:

Amber Kim #315649
Monroe Correctional Complex-IMU
PO Box 777 Monroe, WA 98272

More updates can be found at the Support Amber Kim instagram.

After 16 years of incarceration and many years of DOC torture, Beans (Abednego Baynes) of the Vaughn 17 is finally coming home this fall. Beans was one of 18 prisoners indicted for the uprising at James T Vaughn Correctional Center in 2017. Beans is asking for donations so his family can get down to Delaware to see him when he lands, and to cover rent and other expenses for several months while he gets work and more permanent housing figured out. Please donate and spread widely! Donations can be sent to phillyantirepression through venmo or $MachaelRobinson on cashapp

Write to Beans at the following address:

Smart Communications/PA DOC
Abędnego Baynes – #NT0594
SCI Mahanoy
PO Box 33028
St Petersburg, Florida 33733

General Prison News and Abolitionist Media Updates

Jailhouse Lawyers Speak are continuing with preparations for the national Shut Em Down actions planned for December 6-13th. To help boost this work, The Final Straw Radio has put out a new show with two outside supporters of JLS, along with revolutionary Texas prisoner Monsour Owolabi.

The Rebellious Hearts account continues to post new material from Vaughn 17 defendants such as Dwayne “BIM” Staats on a regular basis.

Lucasville prisoner Greg Curry is preparing for a new legal challenge against his wrongful conviction. You can find ways to donate to his legal fund in this post, and there’s two new fundraiser shirts available to buy to raise money for Greg’s appeal.

Mongoose Distro continues to regularly publish new writings by prisoners such as Steven McCain.

The Barton Prisoner Solidarity Project recently held a rally denouncing the ongoing crisis within the detention facility, which has resulted in ongoing deaths in custody, overdoses, and deteriorating conditions.

Revolutionary prisoner Kevin “Rashid” Johnson has written a new expose of the racist politics of the Virginia prison system, and Shaka Shakur has published a new piece on the connections between New Afrikan struggles in the US and other fights against colonialism worldwide.

IDOC Watch continues to publish reports from the Indiana prison system, including “Blackout Inside New Castle CF Annex,” “Racial Discrimination and Unethical Behavior at Plainfield CF,” “Legal Challenge Forces Confession and Change in Oppressive Picture Policy,” and “Prison Wage Embezzlement Continues in IDOC.”

Deseret News also recently published a new article on the long-term effects of solitary confinement.


June saw a dramatic twist in the ongoing Budapest antifa case, as the defendant Ilaria Salis was released from house arrest after being elected to the European Parliament and gaining immunity from prosecution. Charges are still being brought against the other defendants, with Maja now due to be deported from Germany to Hungary. Maja was also recently attacked while in prison, and another defendant, Hanna, is also facing deportation.

Benni, a German defendant facing charges from having allegedly thrown incendiary devices at the police, has now had two charges of attempted murder dropped, and been released from pre-trial detention.

In the UK, a prisoner called Ahmed has been assaulted by prison officers and moved to solitary confinement. Letters in support of Ahmed can be sent using an online tool here. Radical prisoner Kevan Thakrar has also been moved recently, and a protest in solidarity with Kevan is being organized for early July. UK trans prisoner Sarah Jane Baker has now been freed from prison, after being wrongfully recalled last year.

The International Anti-Fascist Defence Fund have released their latest annual report, and have recently helped with the case of a defendant facing charges from a May Day demo in Copenhagen.

Belarus anarchist Alexander Frantskevich has appeared in court to face charges of malicious disobedience which could add another two years onto his existing lengthy sentence. Solidarity Zone are running a fundraiser to pay for the legal costs of Ruslan Siddiqui, a Russian anarchist facing charges for alleged anti-war sabotage.

In Chile, anarchist prisoner Paty Rodríguez has been released after serving around 10 months, while Mapuche political prisoner Héctor Llaitul has begun a hunger strike after being wrongfully convicted.

In Greece, former anarchist prisoner Pola Roupa was able to hold a successful launch event for her new book, State Against Commune.

Stop Cop City Defendants

Laurence Clark
2 North 604
C/O Securus Digital Mail Center
Fulton County Jail
PO Box 989
Lebanon, MO 65536

Uprising Defendants

See Uprising Support for more info, and check out the Antirepression PDX site for updates from Portland cases. To the best of our knowledge they currently include:

Tyre Means 49981-086
USP Victorville
US Penitentiary
P.O. Box 3900
Adelanto, CA 92301

Margaret Channon 49955-086
FCI Tallahassee
P.O. Box 5000
Tallahassee, FL 32314

Malik Muhammad #23935744
Oregon State Penitentiary
2605 State Street
Salem, OR 97310

Cyan Waters Bass #23905849
Oregon State Correctional Institution
3405 Deer Park Drive SE
Salem, Oregon 97310

Montez Lee 22429-041
FCI Ray Brook
Federal Correctional Institution
PO Box 900
Ray Brook, NY 12977

Matthew White #21434-041
FCI Terre Haute
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. BOX 33
Terre Haute, IN 47808

Matthew Rupert #55013-424
USP Big Sandy
US Penitentiary
P.O. Box 2068
Inez, KY 41224

José Felan #54146-380
FCI Terre Haute
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 33
Terre Haute, IN  47808

David Elmakayes 77782-066
FCI McKean
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 8000
Bradford, PA 16701

Andrew Duncan-Augustyniak
Smart Communications/PA DOC
Andrew Duncan-Augustyniak / QN9211
SCI Rockview
PO Box 33028
St Petersburg, Florida 33733

Anthony Smith
FCI Fort Dix
Federal Correctional Institution
Satellite Camp
P.O. Box 2000
Joint Base MDL, NJ 08640

Ellie Brett 14822-509
FCI Petersburg Medium
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 1000
Petersburg, VA 23804

John Wade 14762509
FCI Beckley
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 350
General & Legal Mail
Beaver, WV 25813

Alvin Joseph 1002016959
Hays State Prison
PO Box 668
Trion, GA 30753

Richard Hunsinger 16066-509
FCI Forrest City Low
P.O. Box 9000
Forrest City, AR 72335

Diego Vargas 55070-424
FCI Allenwood Medium
PO Box 2000
White Deer, PA 17887

Howard Eugene Nall #586907*
Newberry Correctional Facility
13747 E. County Road 428
Newberry, MI 49868

T’Andre Buchanan 67637-060
Milan FCI
PO Box 1000
Milan, MI 48160

Renea Goddard #22810-509
FCI Aliceville
P.O. BOX 4000
Aliceville, AL 35442

Aline Espinosa-Villegas #22814-509
FMC Carswell
P.O. Box 27137
Fort Worth, Texas 76127

Address letter to Angel, address envelope to Aline A Espinosa-Villegas.

Mujera Benjamin Lunga’ho #08572-509
FCI Forrest City Medium
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 3000
Forrest City, AR 72336

Emily Nowlin
FPC Bryan
Federal Prison Camp
P.O. Box 2149
Bryan, TX 77805

Upcoming Birthdays

Evgeny Rubashko

An anarchist from Belarus who was sentenced to 5 years in prison on charges of organization of actions that disrupted public order during post-election protests in Belarus. The criminal case was opened under the Article 342.1 (gross violation of public order) for participation in protests and the Article 361-1.1 (participation in an extremist organization). He reported tortures (plastic bag on the head, beatings, etc.) You can read his speech to the court here.

Belarusian prisons will usually only accept letters in Belarusian or Russian, so if you don’t speak one of those languages your best bet is to email your message to belarus_abc(AT) or use this online form and they should be able to translate your greetings and pass them on.

Birthday: July 9


(Belarusian or Russian letters only – use this form for English messages)

Rubashko Evgeny Alexandrovich
ST-8, ul. Sovetskaya, 22A
Zhodino, 222163

Dakota Moss

Ferguson-related prisoner sentenced to 20 years for stealing guns for people to use during the non-indictment riots in November 2014.

The Federal system uses Corrlinks, a system where a prisoner must send a request to connect to someone on the outside before they can exchange emails, so if you’re not already connected to Dakota then you’re best off just sending him a card or a letter.

Birthday: July 17


Dakota Moss #11400-025
USP Pollock
P.O. Box 2099
Pollock, LA 71467

Derek Cannon

Derek Cannon is serving life without parole after being wrongly convicted of murder during the 1993 Lucasville Uprising, based on the testimony of jailhouse witnesses who have since confessed to lying about the case. For more about Derek’s case, see “Let Lucasville Uprising Prisoners Tell Their Own Stories!” in the NLG Review. Due to his connection to the uprising, he is still a frequent target for staff harassment, even decades later.

Ohio uses Jpay, so you can send him a message by going to, clicking “inmate search”, then selecting “State: Ohio, Inmate ID: 221663”.

Birthday: July 21


Derek Cannon
Lebanon CI
PO Box 56
Lebanon, OH 45036

Jessica Reznicek

Jessica is a land and water defender who has worked with and lived in the Des Moines Catholic Worker community for 10 years. In 2016, Jessica took a stand against the construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline. In 2017, Jessica and another person took direct action and disabled construction machinery in order to protect the land. No one was injured by their actions, and the land was protected from the flow of oil for an additional six months.

On February 6, 2021, Jessica pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to damage an energy facility and on June 30, 2021, was sentenced to 8 years in prison. She received the ‘federal crime of terrorism’ enhancement and was ordered to pay over 3 million dollars in restitution and three years of supervised release. She reported to federal prison on August 11, 2021.  Jessica has a deep love for nature, camping, swimming, hiking, theology, music, gardening, laughter and eco-sustainability, as well as a commitment to self-discovery through deep relationships cultivated in intentional faith-based community living.

The Federal system uses Corrlinks, a system where a prisoner must send a request to connect to someone on the outside before they can exchange emails, so if you’re not already connected to Jessica then you’re best off just sending her a card or a letter.

Birthday: July 25


Jessica Reznicek #19293-030
FCI Waseca
Post Office Box 1731
Waseca, Minnesota 56093

Dzmitry Dubovski

Dzmitry Dubovski is a Belarusian anarchist, sentenced to 18 years in prison after he was arrested late last year and charged with several actions against government buildings. He previously spent 10 years on the run after being accused of some direct actions that took place in 2009-2010.

Belarusian prisons will usually only accept letters in Belarusian or Russian, so if you don’t speak one of those languages your best bet is to email your message to belarus_abc(AT) or use this online form and they should be able to translate your greetings and pass them on.

Birthday: July 29


(Belarusian or Russian letters only – use this form for English messages)
Dubovski Dmitry Nikolaevich
ST № 4
ul. Krupskoy, 99A,
Mogilov, 212011

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A monthly report on prison rebels, State repression, and news from an abolitionist perspective.

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