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Oct 2, 24

In Contempt #45: Florida Four Sentenced, Casey on Hunger-Strike, Repression of Palestine Protesters

In this column, we present our monthly roundup of political prisoner, prison rebel, and repression news, happenings, announcements, action and analysis. Packed in as always are updates, fundraisers, and birthdays.

There’s a lot happening, so let’s dive right in!

Running Down The Walls

September saw Running/Pushing Down the Walls events in solidarity with political prisoners held in Mexico City, Olympia, WA, Portland and Eugene, OR, Los Angeles and Huntington Park, CA, Chicago, IL, Philadelphia, PA, Bloomington, IN, Lowell, MA, Brooklyn, NY, and Bristol, UK. Collectively, over 40K was raised for political prisoners and the Anarchist Black Cross warchest.

Statements for the event were submitted by political prisoners Alissa Azar, Oso Blanco, Xinachtli, Marius Mason, Jesse “Tall Can” Cannon, Hybachi LeMar, and Toby Shone.

Group photo from Running Down the Walls in Philadelphia, PA

Reportbacks have been shared from the NYC and Chicago events, and you can watch a video of former political prisoner Eric King reading Alissa Azar’s statement at the Portland event here. See a full roundup, here.

Unicorn Riot have also produced a video from the Philadelphia event.

Week of Solidarity

An international week of solidarity with anarchist prisoners was held from August 23rd-30th. Pictures have been shared from the Resistance Committee in Ukraine, a banner drop in Komotini, Greece, a prison demo in Brussels, Belgium, and a letter-writing event in Yerevan, Armenia.

Upcoming Events

A Curbfest event in support of political prisoners will be held in Philadelphia on October 5th. A tattoo fundraiser for Casey Goonan’s legal funds will also be held in NYC on the 5th.

The next talk in the Rattling the Cages series will be on Post-Prison Activism & Archiving Resistance with Eric King, Jake Conroy, and Claude Marks, on October 10th.

On Friday October 11th, an event on “Manifestations of the Carceral State from Death Row to Guantanamo Bay” will be held in Washington, DC, with speakers including Lyle May, an abolitionist journalist who is incarcerated on death row in North Carolina, Mansoor Adayfi, a writer and advocate who spent more than a decade behind bars at the US’ infamous Guantanamo Bay prison, Keith Lamar, who is also incarcerated on death row, the Founder of Native Sons Literacy Project, and the Author of Condemned, and Nadrat Siddiqui, an advocate for Aafia Siddiqui, whose case is among the most infamous and tragic in the War on Terror.

A combat sports night is being held on October 19th in Raleigh, North Carolina, as a benefit for anarchist prisoner Michael Kimble.

Another Curbfest event is being held in Houston on October 26th, with speakers including former political prisoners Ashanti Alston and Jalil Muntaqim.

Further ahead, Jailhouse Lawyers Speak are still calling for people to organize Shut ‘Em Down demonstrations and actions during the week of December 6th-13th.

Political Prisoner News

The Final Straw Radio have broadcast a recent presentation by former Black Panther/Black Liberation Army prisoner Ashanti Alston. A recent GoFundMe for Ashanti’s living costs has now reached its target and is no longer taking donations.

Events have been held in NYC and Philadelphia for I Am Maroon, the new book about Russell Maroon Shoatz.

NYC Jericho co-hosted an event marking Leonard Peltier’s 80th birthday. There’s a continuing call to support Indigenous political prisoner Leonard Peltier. Supporters write:

His health is continuously deteriorating and he does not have a release date, with every single previous campaign to seek his freedom failing to make a dent against the cruel jaws of the carceral system.

Currently he is unable to access the phone and emails are an issue due to the current lockdown. He can still receive letters,although he might not be able to answer to them. Please write to him today. He has a great sense of humour and really enjoys jokes.

Please only write on white paper, with white, big and bold letters so he can read due to his vision. DO NOT add stickers, feathers or else any other non white paper items in the letter.

Write to Leonard here:

Leonard Peltier #89637-132
USP Coleman I
P.O. BOX 1033

The Rattling the Cages series continues to be made available to the wider public, as Eric King recently interviewed former political prisoner James Kilgore to discuss the state of international solidarity, the abolitionist movement, and James’ recent collaboration with artist Vic Liu on the new book The Warehouse. You can watch the full interview here.

You can watch all previous talks in the series here.

The 2025 Certain Days: Freedom for Political Prisoners calendar
is now available for pre-order.

George Floyd Uprising prisoner Malik is looking to raise money to help support his son. See info on how to help, here.

Ongoing Cases

In a major development in the ongoing Stop Cop City RICO case, the three defendants from the Atlanta Solidarity Fund have now had their money laundering charges dropped. You can read a statement from the Fund here. From the post:

Dismissing these charges does nothing to undo the harm inflicted on ASF and the many political protesters whose lives have been drastically impacted. Kautz explained “Prosecutions against political movements are not a pursuit of justice. They are a weaponization of a legal system designed to control and disempower the poor, the Black, the indigenous, and other marginalized people. Today, it’s being used to crush dissent against Cop City. Unless we all stand up against the continuing political prosecution of activists, this same strategy will be used against social movements again and again.”

The ASF 3 still face a baseless RICO charge, along with 58 other activists. ASF continues to support anyone targeted for political repression. Kautz said “This case is far from over, but we are committed to fighting these charges in solidarity with all other Cop City defendants, until everyone is free. We believe that we will win.”

As we acknowledge this legal victory, we also reflect on the ongoing repression of Cop City protests. Just days ago marked the one-year anniversary of the submission of over 116,000 signatures for a petition to initiate a referendum against Cop City—signatures that the city has refused to count. This comes amid a climate of escalating state violence, including the tragic killing of Manuel Esteban “Tortuguita” Paez Teran by police on January 18, 2023, and the violent raids on four houses in February 2024. Judge Kimberly Adams, presiding over the RICO case, has chastised state prosecutors for “gross negligence” over improper handling of evidence, and Dekalb County DA Sherry Boston previously publicly distanced herself from the Cop City prosecutions.

Read the full statement here.

The support crew for Jack, another Cop City-related defendant, have shared a recent update on his case here. New printable flyers about Jack’s case can be downloaded here. As this roundup was being put together, Jack’s support crew also reported:

On Monday September 23rd, Jack had a motions hearing for his case. At this hearing he was granted a curfew and can now leave the house from 7am-8pm!Despite not being convicted of any crime, Jack has spent the past 8 months in confinement in jail or at home. This will be a huge change for Jack and he is excited to be back out in the world with his friends and community while he continues to fight his case.

A second motions hearing was scheduled for November 6th. Jack’s support crew is still asking for people to throw solidarity benefit shows on Halloween in order to raise money for his legal fees. Please continue to donate to the Givebutter. Thank you to everyone who continues to support our friend!

Three reproductive rights activists have been given Federal sentences ranging from 30 days to a year on conspiracy charges related to graffiti on fake clinics. The South Florida Anti-Repression Committee is supporting the defendants, and you can donate to the Florida Reproductive Rights Legal Defense Fund here. The Civil Liberties Defense Center have now produced an extended analysis of the case.

Antifascist journalist Alissa Azar has been sentenced to 14 days in jail, after defending herself following a violent attack while reporting on a Proud Boys event in Oregon. While Azar has already been released, you can still buy a shirt to support.

Pittsburgh defendants Peppy and Krystal have now accepted a non-cooperating plea deal, having plead guilty to some charges while another charge, which carries a 10-year minimum, has been dropped. Their support crew reports:

Krystal’s plea means she’ll be on probation for 3 years but will not serve any jail time. By statute, Peppy’s plea carries a 60-month sentence. However, given time served and federal prison guidelines, we estimate that he will serve approximately 24 – 30 months, with the hopes that it will be less than that…

There is a Sentencing Hearing scheduled for January 6th, 2025. If you’re interested in submitting character letters on Pep’s behalf, here is all the information on how to do that.

And of course, continued letters to Peppy are so important! – let him know we’re still out here and with him every step of the way.

Letters to Peppy can be sent to:

Butler County Prison
c/o Brian DiPippa
#42322 PO Box 9156
Seminole, FL 33775-9156

Peppy’s birthday is October 1st, and so his support team have also suggested that people mark the occasion by sending their favorite poems to the [email protected] address, or send them in to him directly.

Repression continues against the Palestine solidarity movement, as 11 participants in the University of Michigan Palestine encampment are now facing charges. The CUNY 28 recently held a press conference as 8 of their group continue to face charges. From their statement:

We will not be intimidated into silence by the state.

Eight of the 22 have decided to resist this blatant state reprisal. We will not be bullied into silence by any court, nor Alvin Bragg and his many zionist donors. More than 90% of people serving time in federal prisons right now accepted coercive plea bargains instead of going to trial. The judicial system is built on mass-incarceration, capitalizing off of modern prison labor, which is just another form of slavery.

We are fighting our charges, not only because we do not recognize the state’s claim to authority over our actions, but also because we believe that challenging these charges is a necessary stand against an unjust system that seeks to silence dissent and criminalize resistance. It is hypocritical of the state to criminalize property damage at a protest, while signing lucrative contracts to destroy entire communities.

We are not just fighting for a Free Palestine but for the liberation of all. We fight for ourselves and our communities. Palestine is everywhere.

Remember, “we are all outside agitators.” Whether we are fighting in Atlanta, New York City, Sudan, or Palestine, the enemy remains the same. The zionist entity escalates, so does the Palestinian Resistance. The pigs and institutions escalate, so do the agitators of the world!

Blue Ridge ABC are currently fundraising for people facing bogus hate crime charges after attending a pro-Palestinian workshop, and the Asheville Blade have provided more background on their case. An international student at Cornell has been suspended after taking part in a protest, and now faces deportation if his student visa is canceled.

Mongoose Distro have produced a new short pamphlet about the ongoing case of Casey Goonan, which you can download here. More updates can be found at the Free Casey Instagram page. Casey’s support crew also has a new website and you can now donate via Paypal. A recent update reads:

Thank you for being part of Casey’s extended support network! Casey’s incarceration has taken a toll on their mental & physical health – they were struggling the past few weeks with the constant noise and chaotic energy in the pod. They recently moved to a different building which is slightly quieter. After spending more time outside at rec & working on developing a routine, Casey has been in better spirits this week. While being moved to a new building, Casey caught a glimpse of a sunset for the first time since June.

In the third week of August a podmate of Casey’s initiated a hunger strike over Santa Rita Jail’s refusal to offer a vegan meal option or respond to his many filed grievances on the matter. Over the course of three months they had lost 30 lbs despite other podmates offering them whatever additional vegan appropriate food they could spare from their own trays. Five other podmates including Casey joined the hunger strike with Casey helping organize a collective grievance campaign and solidifying a set of six demands over food conditions.

After two days of refusing trays and receiving hostility from guards & various supervisors, the main demand was met & the strike stopped. Santa Rita Jail now has a vegan option.

Fundraisers in Chicago, Oakland and Southern California have demonstrated a strong show of solidarity which Casey is deeply grateful for. We still have a long way to go!

Puget Sound Prisoner Support have issued a statement on recent FBI snooping in the Pacific Northwest.

The Uprising Support project have added a page for Christopher Tindal, a defendant from New York serving five years in the Federal system on a riot charge.

Phone Zaps and Hunger Strikes

Long-term revolutionary prisoner Kevin “Rashid” Johnson recently staged a hunger strike after having his property confiscated and being wrongfully moved to solitary confinement. The most recent update from Prison Riot Radio reports that, “His hunger strike officially ended yesterday, and he has been given back all of his property, though he is still currently in the hole.

He is in contact with his lawyer and is working on the next plan of action. He appreciates the support of everyone that called.”

You can read a recent article from Rashid on guard abuse in the Virginia prison system here.

Ferguson Uprising prisoner Joshua Williams has been asking for people to call in to help get him transferred, as he is currently being held in solitary before a transfer that’s been held up. He’s been asking for people to contact Warden Shewmaker on (417) 767-4491 or [email protected] to help get his transfer completed.

IDOC Watch have organized a phone zap in support of imprisoned organizer Khalfani Malik Khaldun, who is facing serious and dangerous medical neglect. They ask people to email [email protected] and [email protected], as well as calling (317) 232-5711 ext. 0, ext. 2, to ask that Leonard McQuay #874304 sees a medical specialist about his kidney and prostate immediately.

Prisoners at FPC Montgomery in Alabama have begun a hunger strike over issues with the way that the BOP is implementing the First Step Act, which should lead to reductions in their sentences. Another hunger strike was organized among around 62 detainees at the Golden State Annex and Mesa Verde detention centers in Kern County, California in late August. Mesa Verde and Golden State Annex Resistance have created a standards violations ticker, listing violations of binding detention standards at these two immigration detention centers.

Ahead of the hurricane hitting the US Southeast in late September, a phone-zap was organized calling for jails and prisons in Wakulla, Taylor, and Franklin counties to be evacuated along with the rest of the population.

Anti-Repression Resources

The No Trace Project is launching a new initiative, the Anti-Repression Talks, to encourage discussion of surveillance and security issues within and between informal anarchist networks, on an international level. The first session, Anti-Repression Talks #1, will address the topic of preparing for physical surveillance and will take place in October, November, and December 2024, with the online chat taking place on January 4, 2025.

The Civil Liberties Defense Center and the Disability Rights Education and Defense Fund have produced two new “know your rights” guides aimed at protesters with disabilities.

Kite Line Radio recently broadcast a recording from the final talk of the Pittsburgh Anti-Repression Convergence, discussing anti-repression, counter-repression, and movement defense.

Vaughn 17

There’s a call for someone based in the Delaware area to get involved in organizing the campaign to free Dwayne “BIM” Staats of the Vaughn 17. BIM recently took part in a Black August event where he was able to speak to audiences in Albuquerque and San Francisco about the urgent need to free Joseph “Joe Joe” Bowen and all political prisoners. His codefendant Jarreau “Ruk” Ayers recently shared some comments on the execution of Marcellus Williams, and Alejandro “Capo” Rodriguez Ortiz has published a new poem and a short audio message on the legacy of the Vaughn 17.

General Prison and Abolitionist Media News

On September 24th, the state of Missouri executed Marcellus Williams, despite local prosecutors calling for his conviction to be overturned, and a campaign aiming to stop his execution and prove his innocence. You can read some of Williams’ poetry here. Williams’ execution came less than a week after South Carolina executed Khalil Divine Black Sun Allah, the first execution in the state in 13 years, despite the key prosecution witness at Allah’s trial recanting his testimony.

Prison Banned Books Week was held from September 15th-21st, an annual event highlighting the extent of censorship inside prisons.

IDOC Watch are encouraging people to send in letters supporting the campaign to free Shaka Shakur, a co-founder of their project. They have also been running a campaign to get medical care for 74-year-old Angel Anderson. IDOC Watch recently published a prisoner’s commentary on Are Prisons Obsolete? by Angela Davis, and a report on how prisoners were able to overturn a repressive policy that stopped them receiving pictures from their families.

NPR have published a report on serious medical neglect at FCI Sheridan, a Federal prison in Oregon.

Prism recently published an interview with Lydia Welker of the Appalachia Prison Book Project, and another interview with the editors of a new book on abolition and parenting, as well as reports from four Texas prisoners on their experiences with deadly heat and an article on a North Carolina farm employing formerly incarcerated women.

The Appeal has created an important database of commissary prices across 46 state systems.

Minnesota IWOC have been involved in launching a major new campaign, End Slavery in Minnesota. People looking to get involved can contact [email protected] or 507-400-0337.

Texas anarchist prisoner Julio “Comrade Z” Zuniga has been transferred, you can now contact him here (or via Securus):

Julio A Zuniga 1961551
Connally Unit
PO Box 660400
Dallas, TX, 75266

Chicago anarchist prisoner Hybachi LeMar is due for release soon, and also has a new book coming out. You can donate to his pre-release fundraiser here and buy copies of his books here.

Jailhouse Lawyers Speak recently ran a fundraising drive for a person being released from FCI Aliceville, and report that all their costs have now been met.

Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick is planning to introduce new anti-mask laws targeting protesters.

The Fines and Fees Justice Center have produced a new report looking at the cost of fines in the DC legal system.

The Intercept has published a report on FBI spying on the Stop Camp Grayling campaign in Michigan.

A new report has been published investigating misconduct by the Alabama prison system’s execution team.

Mongoose Distro recently published an article by David Matthew Strunk, a prisoner who was used as a source in a recent New York Magazine article about Aaron Bushnell, detailing his issues with the article.


This is Hell podcast recently broadcast an interview discussing a new report on torture and abuse in the Israeli prison system. Free Palestine TV has started a new series of videos interviewing liberated Palestinian political prisoners. An article on Palestinian women in prison, written by Israa Lafi, a Palestinian journalist currently detained without charge or trial in Zionist regime prisons, and Batoul al-Ramahi, a former prisoner released in 2019 after two and a half years imprisoned by the colonial regime, has now been translated into English.

Palestinian political prisoner Walaa Tanja has just been given another six months of arbitrary detention without charge, and the Samidoun prisoner solidarity network has published a profile of 24 Palestinian women held in administrative detention. The Palestinian Feminist Collective have made a new call for the freedom of Khalida Jarrar, who is currently in solitary confinement having been held without charge since December 2023.

The United Campaign for the Release of Georges Abdallah has launched a call for an international month of action, from September 7th to October 7th. Georges is a Lebanese political prisoner who has been held in the French prison system since 1984, and the courts will rule on a request to release him on October 7th. Other events in solidarity with Georges are being organized throughout October.

There’s a call to raise legal funds for Marcelo Villaroel, an anarchist prisoner who’s been imprisoned in the Chilean legal system for the past 16 years and now has a chance to have his sentence overturned. The Susaron case prisoners, anarcho-nihilists held by the Chilean state, have expressed their thanks for recent solidarity efforts.

Claudio Lavazza, an anarchist prisoner who has served nearly 28 years in Spanish and French prisons, is now free.

Three Basque political prisoners, Garikoitz Etxeberria Goikoetxea, Jon Kepa Preciado Izarra and Mikel Sansebastian, were recently interviewed on their demand for total amnesty.

Protesters attempting to disrupt an arms conference in Melbourne, Australia, faced heavy police repression, with 42 arrested and 50-100 people injured.

A trial in Bradford, UK, where four people were facing charges connected to an action against an arms factory supplying weapons to Israel, ended with the jury unable to return a verdict, after the judge told them there was no lawful excuse for the actions taken. A retrial is expected in 2026.

You can read a letter from Francesca Nadin, who was held in prison until the trial, here
. Zoe Rogers, another UK prisoner held pre-trial in connection with another action against the arms industry, has also shared a recent statement. A phone zap is being organized for six Palestine Action prisoners who are being held in the same prison but separated from each other, along with other repressive measures.

The UK state also recently jailed Phoebe Plummer and Anna Holland, two environmental activists who threw soup in an art gallery.

International rallies were held at the end of September in support of the Suiza 6, six members of the anarcho-syndicalist CNT union in Spain who face prison for picketing a pastry shop.

An international exhibition of art by anarchist prisoners was displayed in Stockholm, Sweden, in late September.

The Final Straw Radio recently interviewed people in Poland about the H5 Poland case, five people facing criminal charges for providing humanitarian aid to migrants at the Poland/Belarus border. You can read more about the case here.

ABC Moscow have published a general round-up of news about anarchist and anti-fascist prisoners in Russia
. Since then, anarchist prisoner Rouslan Sidiki has been able to speak out about his torture, and Alexander Snezhkov and Lyubov Lizunova, two young anti-fascists, have been sentenced to 6 years and 3.5 years respectively on charges around anti-regime graffiti.

Uprising Defendants

See Uprising Support for more info, and check out the Antirepression PDX site for updates from Portland cases. To the best of our knowledge they currently include:

Tyre Means 49981-086
USP Victorville
US Penitentiary
P.O. Box 3900
Adelanto, CA 92301

Margaret Channon 49955-086
FCI Tallahassee
P.O. Box 5000
Tallahassee, FL 32314

Malik Muhammad #23935744
Oregon State Penitentiary
2605 State Street
Salem, OR 97310

Cyan Waters Bass #23905849
Oregon State Correctional Institution
3405 Deer Park Drive SE
Salem, Oregon 97310

Montez Lee 22429-041
FCI Ray Brook
Federal Correctional Institution
PO Box 900
Ray Brook, NY 12977

Matthew White #21434-041
USP Terre Haute
PO Box 33
Terre Haute, IN 47808

Matthew Rupert #55013-424
USP Big Sandy
US Penitentiary
P.O. Box 2068
Inez, KY 41224

José Felan #54146-380
FCI Terre Haute
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 33
Terre Haute, IN 47808

David Elmakayes 77782-066
FCI McKean
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 8000
Bradford, PA 16701

Andrew Duncan-Augustyniak
Smart Communications/PA DOC
Andrew Duncan-Augustyniak / QN9211
SCI Rockview
PO Box 33028
St Petersburg, Florida 33733

Khalif Miller #70042-066
USP Big Sandy
U.S. Penitentiary
P.O. Box 2068
Inez, KY 41224

Alvin Joseph 1002016959
Hays State Prison
PO Box 668
Trion, GA 30753

Richard Hunsinger 16066-509
FCI Forrest City Low
P.O. Box 9000
Forrest City, AR 72335

Diego Vargas 55070-424
FCI Schuylkill
PO Box 759
Minersville, PA 17954

Howard Eugene Nall #586907
Newberry Correctional Facility
13747 E. County Road 428
Newberry, MI 49868

T’Andre Buchanan 67637-060
Milan FCI
PO Box 1000
Milan, MI 48160

Aline Espinosa-Villegas #22814-509
FMC Carswell
P.O. Box 27137
Fort Worth, Texas 76127

Address letter to Angel, address envelope to Aline A Espinosa-Villegas.

Mujera Benjamin Lunga’ho #08572-509
FCI Forrest City Medium
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 3000
Forrest City, AR 72336

Christopher Tindal 04392-509
FCI Cumberland
PO Box 1000
Cumberland, MD 21501

Upcoming Birthdays

Brian “Peppy” DiPippa

Peppy is a Pittsburgh community activist held awaiting sentencing after pleading guilty to charges related to a demonstration against a transphobic speaker.

Peppy really likes skateboarding, comedy, and uplifting and heartwarming stories. Autumn is his favorite season, so beautiful descriptions of the changing colors we see in Pittsburgh or wherever you may be writing him from would really hit the spot. As for Pittsburgh specifically and the aesthetically pleasing aspects of this city, he’d love to hear about your favorite spots. Maybe it’s one of the bridges or the city steps that go up hillsides! Peppy also likes hearing about and learning about people and places all over the globe. So, feel free to reach out and connect on any of those topics!

Birthday: October 1


Butler County Prison
c/o Brian DiPippa
#42322 PO Box 9156
Seminole, FL 33775-9156

Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, Imam

Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin, formerly H. Rap Brown, was a legendary black liberation leader, serving as the chairman of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee, and later the Justice Minister of the Black Panther Party. Wrongfully convicted of murder in the 1990s after an intense campaign of state harassment.

The Federal system uses Corrlinks, a system where a prisoner must send a request to connect to someone on the outside before they can exchange emails, so if you’re not already connected to Imam Jalil then you’re best off just sending him a card or a letter.

Birthday: October 4


Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin #99974-555
USP Tucson
P.O. Box 24550
Tucson, AZ 85734
United States

Jennifer Rose

Jennifer Amelia Rose (previously known as Jennifer Gann) is an anti-authoritarian trans woman and insurrectionist amazon held captive for over 25 years for armed robberies and a 1995 attack on a district attorney and associate prison warden. She took part in the 1991 Folsom Prison hunger strike, after which she was beaten and tortured, convicted for armed resistance, and sentenced to multiple 25-to-life sentences under the Three Strikes Law. She has spent over ten years in solitary confinement at Folsom and the Pelican Bay Secure Housing Unit. Despite all of this, Jennifer continues to struggle for freedom, remaining a committed anti-authoritarian, anti-imperialist, anti-racist, anti-fascist, and anti-capitalist. For more information, you can listen to this recent interview she did with the Final Straw.

California uses Connect Network/GTL.

Birthday: October 6


Jennifer Amelia Rose #E-23852
Salinas Valley State Prison
P. O. Box 1050
Soledad, CA 93960-1050

Malik Bey (Meral Smith)

Malik is one of the Virgin Island 5 serving 8 consecutive life sentences after being tortured into a false confession then wrongly imprisoned since 2001 when his sentence was vacated.

Malik is in an institution run by CoreCivic, and it appears that you can email him here.

Birthday: October 8


Meral Smith #19-1874
Citrus County Detention Facility
P.O. Box 22997
Tampa, FL 33634

Aleksandr Zaitsev

Aliaksandr Zaytsev is an anarchist who was accused of attempting to take action against the Supreme Court. On April 15, 2022 Aliaksandr was sentenced to 10 years in prison.

Belarusian prisons will usually only accept letters in Belarusian or Russian, so if you don’t speak one of those languages your best bet is to email your message to belarus_abc(AT) or use this online form and they should be able to translate your greetings and pass them on.

Birthday: October 8


(Belarusian or Russian letters only – use this form for English messages)

Zaitsev Aleksandr Vladimirovich
212013, Mogilev, p/o Veino, Slavgorodskoe shosse 183, IK №15

Kenny Zulu Whitmore

Kenny Zulu Whitmore is a former Black Panther, wrongfully held for over 45 years, over 30 of which were spent in solitary confinement. You can read more about Zulu’s case here. Zulu is not allowed to receive greeting cards.

Louisiana uses JPay, so you can send him a message by going to, clicking “inmate search”, then selecting “State: Louisiana, Inmate ID: 86468”.

Birthday: October 14


Kenny Zulu Whitmore
86468 – Cypress#3
LA State Prison
Angola, LA 70712

Alexander Kozlyanko

Anarchist from Brest. Detained on 2 March 2021 on suspicion of involvement in a criminal organization of anarchists and gross violation of public order (Articles 285 and 342 of the Criminal Code). Allegedly he was involved in a road blockage in Brest in May 2018: anarchists then blocked three lanes of the M1 motorway, opposing the construction of a battery plant. On September 6, 2022, Aliaksandr was sentenced to 6 years in prison.

Belarusian prisons will usually only accept letters in Belarusian or Russian, so if you don’t speak one of those languages your best bet is to email your message to belarus_abc(AT) or use this online form and they should be able to translate your greetings and pass them on.

Birthday: October 15


(Belarusian or Russian letters only – use this form for English messages)

IK-1, ul. Tekhnicheskaya, 8, g. Novopolotsk, 211440, Belarus
Aleksandr Aleksandrovich Kozlyanko

Daniil Chul

Daniil Chul is an anarchist from Brest. Detained on 2 March 2021 on suspicion of involvement in a criminal organization of anarchists and gross violation of public order (Articles 285 and 342 of the Criminal Code). On September 6, 2022, Chul was sentenced — he received five years in a medium-security penal colony and a fine of about $6,300.

Belarusian prisons will usually only accept letters in Belarusian or Russian, so if you don’t speak one of those languages your best bet is to email your message to belarus_abc(AT) or use this online form and they should be able to translate your greetings and pass them on.

Birthday: October 15


(Belarusian or Russian letters only – use this form for English messages)

IK №15, Slavgorodskoye shosse 183, p/o Veyno, g.Mogilov, 213105, Belarus
Daniil Romanovich Chul

Toby Shone

Toby Shone is an anarchist who was prosecuted under terrorism charges for alleged involvement with the insurrectionist website 325, and then later sentenced for drugs charges when the terror charges were dropped for lack of evidence. He continues to receive repressive treatment from the state due to his unapologetic anarchist politics, and was recently released, only to then be sent back to prison for an alleged breach of bail conditions. You can read more about his case here and here.

UK prisoners can be emailed using

Birthday: October 20


Toby Shone A7645EP
HMP Garth
Ulnes Walton
PR26 8NE
United Kingdom

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A monthly report on prison rebels, State repression, and news from an abolitionist perspective.

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