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Mar 29, 21

Indigenous Action Podcast #6: Unsettling Settler Politics: Biden, Halaand & Accomplices Not Grammys

Indigenous Action podcast returns with a discussion and critique of settler colonial politics and the recent Grammys.

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After taking a bit of a break, were back! In this show our hosts Bonn & Klee give some updates, share solidarity with Asian Amerikan & Pacific Islanders facing attacks by white supremacists, and catch up with our co-conspirators Bearcat and Remy for some thoughts on settler colonial politics including the elections and recent confirmation of an Indigenous woman to head the Department of the Interior. We also talk about Accomplices not Allies and the Grammys spectacle.

Remy is a multidisciplinary Indigenous activist and artist of many different media from the Black Mesa region on the Navajo Reservation in Arizona. By utilizing art, activism and technology, his creations are rooted in his heritage and culture addressing social, environmental and political issues., @f1rstse7en

Jenn Bearcat (she/her): Newe-Numa (Tosa Wihi) from Doka Badee, so-called Northern Nevada currently residing in Albuquerque, NM. She’s a 3rd generation land defender with a healthy respect for a diversity of tactics and a healthy distrust of the state. She contributes to a network of organizers and frontline defenders confronting issues surrounding colonization.

Bonn & Klee

Info links:
Loren Reed’s case including ways to support:
Info and legal defense fund for Bonn’s case:
Accomplices Not Grammys statement:

About the podcast:
Welcome to Indigenous Action where we dig deep into critical issues impacting our communities throughout Occupied America/Turtle Island. This is an autonomous anti-colonial broadcast with unapologetic and claws-out analysis towards total liberation. So take your seat by this fire and may the bridges we burn together, light our way.

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Indigenous Action (IA/originally Indigenous Action Media) was founded on August 25th, 2001 to provide strategic communications and direct action support for Indigenous community’s sacred lands defense. We are a radical volunteer crew of anti-colonial & anti-capitalist Indigenous media makers, designers, artists, writers & agitators that work together on a project by project basis for liberation for Mother Earth and all her beings. Over the years we’ve organized hundreds of actions, marches, banner drops, workshops, conferences, benefits, and much more.

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