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Sep 5, 18

Kanahus Manuel on Resistance to the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline

No Borders Media talks with Kanahus Manuel about the recent court decision to quash approach of the Kinder Mogan pipeline.

No Borders Media presents an exclusive interview with Indigenous warrior Kanahus Manuel, in the aftermath of the recent Canada Federal Court of Appeal decision to quash approval of the Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain pipeline project.

The pipeline, which would move tar sands crude and refined oil from Alberta to the British Columbia Coast, has been actively opposed by diverse groups, and by varied means, including civil disobedience and direct action. The heart of the resistance has been Indigenous nations in the path of the proposed pipeline. Kanahus is active with both the Secwepemc Women Warriors and the Tiny House Warriors in resisting the Trans Mountain pipeline. For many years, she has organized against corporate exploitation of the lands of her people, including the Sun Peaks ski resort, Imperial Metals, as well as the Mount Polley mine.

In this exclusive interview, the first one she has given since the Federal Court of Appeal decision, Kanahus both responds to the recent legal victory against the pipeline, and provides context and analysis about ongoing grassroots resistance to destructive resource extraction projections. She speaks to us from beside the Blue River, on the path of the proposed pipeline.

This interview was recorded on September 1, 2018 by Jaggi Singh for No Borders Media.

No Borders Media (Toronto/Montreal)
soundcloud: @NoBordersMedia
contact: [email protected]

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