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Oct 14, 16

Mexico: Letter from Luis Fernando Sotelo, Anarchist Prisoner on Hunger Strike

From Saboteamos

First. I salute our comrades of the National Indigenous Congress (CNI) and the comrades of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN). I greatly appreciate their own demonstrations aimed to this giant hug called solidarity. For you, my respect. Thank you for your word.

Second. I invite you to reorganize the forces, through following visible the rebellions and resistance to domination system and the current state of affairs.

Second (point 2). I’m assuming publicly declare hunger strike indefinitely from the day on September 28 of this year,. The reasons for this are / is mainly to reappropriate from my existence vindicating:

  • The Greeting to strikes and protests by prisoners in U.S.A.
  • A Hug riots in response to police brutality against African-American communities.
  • The Struggle, and also carried out strikes from the North Remand prison by Abraham Cortes Avila and Fernando Barcenas. Likewise fight hunger strike and Jessie Montano. Besides the fight and fast of Miguel Peralta Betanzos from the state of Oaxaca.

Third. I reaffirm adherence to ethical principles proposed in the Sexta Declaración de la Selva Lacandona

I therefore share: against the systematization of terror and, even more, the criminalization of me, I’m not afraid. I hold fellowship with the sixth. I greet in the same sense the work of the Network Against Repression and for Solidarity.

Never again a Mexico without us!
Of all the freedoms -of down and to his left!
Let Rabies is the same, the wind blows, you start the storm!

Hugs, fondly Fernando Sotelo Zambrano.

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Scott Campbell is the author of the "Insumisión," which was a featured column on It's Going Down and currently writes news and analysis on social movements and struggles, with an eye towards Mexico.

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