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Oct 23, 16

Making Noise At The Youth Jail

From Conflict MN

On October 22nd, dozens of masked rebels took to the streets of downtown Minneapolis towards the youth jail. Banners declaring “Fire To The Prisons” and “Criminal Queers Against Cops Prisons & Borders” were unfurled and flares illuminated the night. Upon arriving at the youth jail, fireworks erupted across the sky as demonstrators chanted and hitting makeshift drums. When our voices grew tired, those locked up on the inside broke the silence by banging on their windows. The group quickly dispersed back at Elliot Park with zero arrests.

Despite a noticeable increase in self-organization by those who showed up, the significant police presence reduced the energy of the crowd and it’s potential. Moving forward, it will be necessary to assume a more hands on police strategy and prepare ourselves accordingly.

The noise demo was called for in the context of ongoing solidarity with the September 9th prison strike. While some prisoners may end their strikes, new ones begin—the struggle for freedom continues beyond any one campaign or movement. Every refusal to work, every guard stabbed, every dormitory takeover fills our hearts with love for prison rebels and hate for this system of cops and cages. To those who revolt on the inside, we are with you.

Present at the action was a sizeable feminist/queer bloc to highlight the women, queer, and trans prisoners who have been at the forefront of the September 9th strike and other uprisings. Unfortunately this is often omitted from the narrative surrounding prison rebellions—something we refuse to accept any longer.

Gig Harbor – Holman – Minneapolis

Until the last prison is ashes under our feet

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