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Mar 19, 22

Mapping a Trajectory of Struggle Outside and Against the COVID Culture War

On this episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we speak with the author of The Real COVID Conspiracies, about the piece and how nation-states and elites around the world have used the pandemic to expand State power and increase their wealth.

During our conversation, we attack both the conspiracy prone “populist’ far-Right and the response from neoliberals. We also discuss how autonomous anti-capitalist movements could go beyond both positions to build a counter-narrative that seeks to mobilize the exploited and excluded against the systems of domination that immiserate and degrade all our lives.

As the pandemic rolls into its third year, racial and wealth inequalities have only become more entrenched as states have weaponized the crisis to expand State authority, militarize borders, and justify the crackdown of migrants, social movements, and broad populations. Meanwhile, far-Right convoy protests against masking and vaccine mandates continue to play out and the Biden administration is now claiming that it is running out of funding for COVID testing and treatment, while doubling down on funding the military and police. The need for a grassroots, anti-capitalist response from below is needed now more than ever.

More Info: The Real COVID Conspiracies and An Anarchist Rejection of the COVID Culture War

photo: Mika Baumeister and the blowup via Unsplash

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It’s Going Down is a digital community center from anarchist, anti-fascist, autonomous anti-capitalist and anti-colonial movements. Our mission is to provide a resilient platform to publicize and promote revolutionary theory and action.

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