Filed under: Action, Anarchist Movement, Anti-Patriarchy, Education, Police, Southern Mexico
On Wednesday, students at the Azcapotzalco campus of the College of Sciences and Humanities (CCH) in Mexico City, a high school system affiliated with the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), took over the school grounds and declared an indefinite strike in response to patriarchal violence, administration attacks, and the misuse of funds.
High school students at CCH Azcapotzalco in Mexico City take over school, declare indefinite strike in protest of patriarchal violence and attacks from administration
— Scott Campbell (@incandesceinto) February 28, 2020
This action follows a previous strike that began on Monday which was called after a knife attack against a female student by two men. In an attempt to end that strike, CCH staff and teachers, accompanied by police, violently forced all students off campus early on Wednesday morning. A few hours later, a group led by women students gathered to retake the school. Clashes between school employees – who had barricaded themselves inside – and students ensued. News reports note that students were dressed in black with hoods, set fires, and blocked streets.
#ReporteNR Toma de CCH Azcapotzalco.
Tras el para acordado de 28 horas con protesta por la agencia de una alumna en el baño del plantel, este miércoles un grupo de encapuchados tomo el CCH Azcapotzalco. #FelizJueves #BuenJueves
— Reporte Nicolás Romero (@ReporteNR) February 27, 2020
Fourteen people were injured and by 1pm the students had succeeded in entering the school and removing the staff. After regaining control of the campus, the Organized Women of CCH Azcapotzalco declared an indefinite strike and established a youth security committee to guard access to the campus.
Encapuchados toman CCH Azcapotzalco de manera violenta; hay 14 heridos. La protesta se da luego de que una alumna fuera atacada al interior del plantel. UNAM repudia violencia.
— El Desinformante Noticias (@EDesinformanteN) February 26, 2020
On Thursday, clashes occurred between students and police at Prepa 5 (National High School #5) in Mexico City, also affiliated with UNAM. Students had previously shut the school down from February 4th to the 22nd in protest against femicides and patriarchal violence within UNAM. The school administration called in the police to prevent the students from retaking the school.
Primero eran los alumnos, luego los padres de familia, ahora son policías de la @SSP_CDMX quienes evitan la toma de la Prepa 5 de la
— Ruido en la Red (@RuidoEnLaRed) February 27, 2020
According to reports, parents opposed to the students’ actions joined the police line. Clashes lasted throughout the day with some students succeeding in making it inside. In response, the rector of UNAM ordered the school evacuated and closed to prevent it from being taken by students.
Desalojan a estudiantes de la Prepa 5 de la @UNAM_MX luego de que un grupo de encapuchados tomó las instalaciones
▶️— Ricardo Alemán (@RicardoAlemanMx) February 28, 2020
Rather than addressing the rampant sexual violence occurring across the institution, taking action against the sexual predators in its employ, or investigating findings of corruption, UNAM has instead stated it will hand its students over the police for participating in the strike action.