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Jun 22, 18

New York: Call to Occupy ICE

The following is a call from the Metropolitian Anarchist Coordinating Council (MACC) for #OccupyICENYC actions starting on June 22nd.

MACC is calling for an emergency occupation starting today, June 22nd, at 5 pm at the ICE processing center (201 Varick Street) in downtown Manhattan. Join us as the resistance from below mobilizes to #OccupyICE and sound the call that “No one is illegal!”


Seeing parents ripped from their children, children from their parents, friends from their friends – human beings from their freedom – tears through our hearts and fuels our rage.

The Metropolitan Anarchist Coordinating Council stands against every ICE agent who takes children from their families, every politician who empowers them, every police officer who participates in this same racist and xenophobic project, every Republican who cheers for this brutality in public, and every Democrat who condemns it in public and does nothing whatsoever to stop it.

We stand not only against the cruel policy of family separation – which hasn’t been resolved by the recent Executive Order – and the abuse of youth and adult immigrants in detention centers, but also against militarized border regimes that allow money and elites to travel freely while rejecting and dehumanizing the poor and working class. The criminalization of poverty and migrants is nothing new and crosses party lines. More than 2.5 million undocumented people were deported under Barack Obama. Every day, more than 30,000 people sit in cages, imprisoned because the nation they are in does not match where they were born. Our politicians are invested in this system of exploitation and all that it entails: the erosion of democracy by technocrats, mass incarceration, colonial mentalities that target our own citizens and indigenous peoples as “foreigners,” the systematic abuse of undocumented workers, and the racist ideas that provide them justification to profit off of this cruelty.

We recognize that, if change is going to come, it must come from ourselves – from below. We are inspired by ICE occupations in Portland and elsewhere, and call on all New Yorkers to stand in solidarity with immigrants and against ICE.

Until every cage is empty. Abolish ICE prisons and all prisons; no borders, no states! #OccupyICENYC

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Metropolitan Anarchist Coordinating Council - open to all anarchists.

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