Jan 2, 24

In Contempt #36: Hunger Strikes at Red Onion Prison and NWDC, Eric King Released

In this column, we present our monthly roundup of political prisoner, prison rebel, and repression news, happenings, announcements, action and analysis. Packed... Read Full Article

Mar 27, 24

The IWW, the Red Scare, and Lessons on Resisting Repression Today

On today’s episode of the It’s Going Down podcast, we sit down with labor historian Peter Cole, who speaks on how the... Read Full Article

Mar 26, 24

Announcing New ‘It’s Going Down’ Zine Creator

You may have already seen one of these floating around in the wild over the past several months, but today we are... Read Full Article

Dec 12, 23

Canadian Tire Fire #66: Solidarity Demonstrations and Blockades Spread, Encampment Defense

In this issue, we bring you a round up of a huge number of actions and demonstrations in solidarity with Palestine that... Read Full Article