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May 10, 24

Report on May Day Noise Demonstration Outside of Juvenile Justice Center in Philadelphia, PA

Report on May Day noise demonstration in so-called Philadelphia, PA. Originally posted to Philly Anti-Capitalist.

After a lapse of three years anarchists held their own May Day demonstration. May first is an anarchist celebration of spring, remembrance, rebellion and it’s important to me that the left doesn’t completely co-opt this anarchic holiday. I’m heartened that anarchists have organized our own way of commemorating and celebrating the arrival of May. I encourage anyone who doesn’t know the history of May Day to look up the Haymarket Affair in Chicago and how anarchists across the world have celebrated.

The May Day demonstration was held behind the Juvenile Justice Center (a prison for kids) in West Philly. A group of us walked over from a nearby meeting location, and upon arriving shot fireworks, lit flares, howled against the police, and made a lot of noise. The kids locked inside could be seen silhouetted against the frosted windows, banging in response to our loud presence. The police arrived very shortly afterward and the crowd dispersed. Two people were detained for about an hour and released without charges.

The police’s arrival was surprisingly fast. Previous demonstrations at the same prison have lasted longer and were met with less police, about five police cars showed up after at most three minutes. I have some thoughts on why this may have happened. The assembled crowd was dressed in anonymous multi-colored clothing. This wouldn’t be particularly suspect if people were seen in twos or threes but a large group of masked people still draws attention. Moving from one location to another in a more dispersed way or meeting up behind the prison without all walking together could have reduced the attention we drew to ourselves on the street. The benefit of not wearing all black means that we don’t stand out in a crowd or on the street but if we are the crowd then that benefit is lost. This combined with the fact that there were a good amount of people on the street leads me to believe someone called the police on the group as we walked over. There’s no way to know for certain, but, we can learn from the situation and figure out ways to be more discreet when the situation calls for it moving forward.

Free Palestine!
Solidarity to the struggle at Rockview prison!
Down with the prisons! Up with the spring!
Happy May Day!

Photo by Mike Enerio on Unsplash

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