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Jun 27, 19

Phone Zap: Demand College Court Meet Demands

Call for phone-zap from Olympia Solidarity Network. To read more about their campaign, go here.

On May 2nd, Olympia Solidarity Network (OlySol) launched a campaign with tenants at College Court Apartments. Tenants and OlySol are calling upon College Court owner and manager, Junryo Miyashita, to meet demands for a rent freeze, professionally and timely executed repairs, a commitment to follow Washington state tenant privacy laws and affordable and functional laundry facilities.

Since the last phone zap OlySol has heard nothing from Junryo Miyashita. Junryo Miyashita has also not communicated any concrete efforts to rectify the grievances against him from College Court tenants or OlySol. We encourage supporters to continue extending solidarity to the campaign by participating in a second phone zap against College Court.

Please Call:




(Use script for all numbers above)

Phone Script:

“Hello Junryo Miyashita and College Court Apartments. It has come to my attention that tenants at College Court routinely experience exorbitant rent hikes, delayed and poorly executed repairs, harassment and invasions of privacy on your behalf. This behavior violates numerous landlord-tenant laws in Washington state and defies the basic ethical principle that tenants ought to be afforded decent and livable housing. To rectify this situation, please meet the clear demands of your tenants and the Olympia Solidarity Network: a 2 year rent freeze, improved laundry services at lower cost, adherence to privacy laws and the hiring of professional labor to execute all further repairs.”

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The Olympia Solidarity Network (OlySol) is a volunteer network that uses direct action to combat landlord and employer greed and abuse. We collaborate and organize campaigns with tenants and workers who have specific grievances against their former or current landlords and employers, such as stolen wages or denied deposits. By deploying direct action tactics (be it a picket, poster campaign or office occupation) against abusive landlords and bosses, OlySol can help win relatively immediate housing and workplace improvements for tenants and workers.

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