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Jan 19, 17

Police Gas grenades, Right-Winger’s Punches can’t stop the Deploraball Protest

From DC Direct Action News

On the 19th of January, rape apologist Mike Cernovich’s Deporaball was held at the National Press Club. This “alt-right” event for the neo-Nazi wing of Trump’s supporters. was named after Hillary Clinton’s “basket of Deplorables” remark concerning racists and misogynists supporting Trump. At 7:30 PM, just after the start of the protests against the Deploraball, there were conflicting reports of smoke or mace used, along with sound of “explosions.” Explosive gas grenades are difficult for people other than police or military to get. Fireworks plus a police gas device possibly?

RT reported that protesters were throwing “signs and water balloons” at police. Reports of fireworks, called “explosives” by mainstream media

Right-wing twitter feeds attempted to claim the gas was smoke from devices used by anarchists, but a journalist filming the scene could be heard to retch as he entered the smoke cloud, implying tear gas, pepper spray, that sort of thing. Smoke flares are easy to get but tear gas devices are much harder to get. This is is probable that police were the source of these devices. One report claims a police bike was thrown and then “leaked” which would imply an accident with poorly stored ordnance. Another says medics treated several people for pepper spray (not mace/tear gas) effects from “the explosion.”

Protesters were still on site an hour later, massive, chanting crowds. Now much more peaceful, probably most Deploraball attendees are inside.

A second confrontation was reported as some Deploraball attendees exited beginning at about 9PM. At about 9:30PM, there were reports that Deploraball attendees were being pursued in the streets by anti-fascist. Unconfirmed report of police “spraying protesters at high pressure with unidentified substance” at about 10:30PM.

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