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Feb 28, 17

Portland, OR: Hundreds March on Burgerville to Reinstate Fired IWW Organizer

On Saturday, almost 200 fellow workers from SEIU Local 49 marched on the Convention Center Burgerville and demanded that Corporate reinstate Jordan, end their anti-union campaign, negotiate with workers, and give all Burgerville workers a $5/hour raise. Declaring their solidarity, Local 49 members took over the store and submitted hundreds of Jordan applications while the store was filled with the call to bring back Jordan! SEIU Local 49 just served Corporate Burgerville a fresh, local and sustainable platter of solidarity.

Afraid of the power of workers and the community standing together, Corporate Burgerville hired a team of private, armed security guards to intimidate us – money that should have been spent on raises and improved working conditions. Time and time again Burgerville chooses to intimidate, dismiss, and silence workers. Time and time again, the Burgerville Workers Union stands up, fights back, and demands that Burgerville listen to workers. We are not afraid, we are determined.

In the Burgerville Workers Union, we know that an injury to one, is an injury to all. Thank you to our friends at SEIU Local 49 for standing with us and showing Burgerville that this community stands with the Burgerville Workers Union!

#WeNeedARaise #Bagelgate

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Union for all workers at Burgerville USA, a fast food chain in the Pacific Northwest. Part of the IWW.

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