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Sep 22, 24

Report Back on Running Down the Walls in NYC

Report back on Running Down the Walls in New York City from the NYC Anarchist Black Cross.

Running Down the Walls 2024 has come and gone. Here in NYC we had a beautiful day to do it, the mid-September New York weather finally feeling like autumn instead of a desert summer. Both Prospect Park and the City itself seemed even busier than usual, with buskers, vendors and birthday parties nearby and marches and rallies elsewhere in town. In coordinating a multi-city run with organizers on both sides of the walls, we have to find a day that works for everyone involved as much as possible.

As it turned out, not only did this year’s run land on Jamel Floyd’s birthday (September 15th), but it was also the 55th Annual African Day Parade. It also happened to be the day for at least three other political prisoner and/or anarcho-adjacent events in the five boroughs. So it was a busy weekend for many New Yorkers, including NYC ABC! Even still, a lively core of runners, bikers, walkers, and chillers assembled near the black RDTW banner to raise funds, awareness, and community solidarity for our political prisoners. It was wonderful to reconnect with long time friends and comrades, and to welcome some new faces!

The goal of RDTW, this year as much as any, is of course to raise much-needed funds for the Anarchist Black Cross Federation Warchest Program. Also though, and always, any chance to share information about the political prisoners and POW’s we support is heartily welcomed. Not to mention that events such as these are important in building and maintaining a community of solidarity in the here and now, rather than waiting for some dreamy future or idealizing pasts or present communities we are not a part of.

The namesake event itself kicked off a bit later than usual this year, as ‘anarchy time’ remains as reliable as ever. This year there were some pretty serious runners and bikers, as well as some casual perambulators happy to enjoy the fresh air at an unhurried pace. After the ‘run’, as is local anarchist tradition, organizers, participants and supporters shared an especially delicious home-cooked vegan meal, and spent a few more hours making new friends and catching up with cherished comrades.

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We demand freedom for all U.S.-held political prisoners and prisoners of war.

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