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Nov 16, 17

Santa Cruz, CA: Happy Ninth Birthday SubRosa!

On November 1, 2017, SubRosa turned nine years old. SubRosa is an anarchist community space run by a collective of committed people from the Santa Cruz area, freely giving of our energy and time.

September and October 2008 we worked on the inside and courtyard at a space at 703 Pacific Avenue in downtown Santa Cruz that was soon to be named SubRosa. Lots of folks and lots of hours. On Halloween we were still working on the inside, painting. People would drift in and out in costume to help until late into the night.

The next evening, November 1st, was our opening with an art show and music! It poured rain that night and the courtyard flooded. We called the outside area the info-swamp and set down blocks of cement as stepping stone islands. Inside the space was packed and humid. The paint started dripping down the walls and quite a few people went home wearing the paint on their clothes as they unwittingly leaned against the wet walls … hopefully a nice reminder of a great opening night.

And now nine years later we are still going … doing-it-together. Come to SubRosa and check out what is going on. Go to our website for more information on events at SubRosa. The space is what we make of it, and this includes you as well. There are many ways to contribute to SubRosa. Get involved with the space … join the collective … host an event … show your art … and so on. Another world is possible. We can create it now, and at the same time counter the coercive and destructive impact of the over-culture. A question we often ask ourselves is, how can SubRosa be relevant to those endeavors? Let’s figure that out together and do it (especially in these times).

Much appreciation to all those who have contributed to SubRosa over the past 9 years…so many people in so many different ways. And may we continue to thrive for years to come.

For more info and background, go here.

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The San Francisco Bay Area Independent Media Center (Indybay) is a non-commercial, democratic collective of bay area independent media makers and media outlets, and serves as the local organizing unit of the global Indymedia network.

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