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Jan 9, 19

#ShutDownCanada: Solidarity with Wetsuwet’en

A day after the RCMP and other paramilitary formations raided the Gidumt’en Clan barricade in Wetsuwet’en territory, tens of thousands of people took to the streets against the actions of the Canadian State, the arrest of around a dozen indigenous people on the front lines, and the very real threat that the police will soon raid the Unisto’ot’en Camp, only several miles away. Set up in 2010, the Unisto’ot’en Camp has long blockaded the entrance of the wider Wetsuwet’en territory to various pipeline companies. Last year, courts ruled that the Unist’ot’en Camp would be forced to end its blockade, thus allowing fracking companies who wanted to begin construction of a fracked gas pipeline in 2019, entrance to the territory. Despite this, Native Wetsuwet’en people have vowed to resist any incursion.

Worldwide Solidarity with Wet’suwet’en

After the brutal raid by Canadian federal cops on Wet’suwet’en land defenders, stopping a fracked gas pipeline, solidarity actions are under way in over 60 cities around the world.Organize one! For more info go to

Sub.Media 发布于 2019年1月8日周二

In the wake of the raid, over 60 cities across so-called Canada and the US held solidarity events and also interrupted a speech by Justin Trudeau, who was scheduled, ironically, to give the opening remarks at the “Modern Treaty and Self-Governing First Nations Forum.” Actions included street marches and blockades, and the shutting down and temporary occupation of government buildings. According to APTN News, the RCMP is currently in talks with Wetsuwet’en hereditary chiefs. What follows is a roundup of solidarity actions.

Petersborough, Ontario

Ottawa, Ontario

Smithers, BC

Gitwangak and Gitanyow Territory, So-Called BC

Toronto, Ontario

Kingston, Ontario

Nelson, BC

Vancouver, BC

Victoria, BC

Edmonton, Alberta

Waterloo, Ontario

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Hamilton, Ontario

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan

Montreal, Quebec

Duluth, Minnesota

SOLIDARITY with Unist'ot'en!: Anti-colonial Land Defense, Anonymous Twin Ports & comrades TOOK THE STREETS, DISRUPTED & TEMPORARILY SHUT-DOWN WELLS FARGO- THE BANK WHO FUNDS TRANSCANADA'S COASTAL GASLINK PIPELINE PROJECT CURRENTLY THREATENING Unist'ot'en Camp & Wet'suwet'en Territory!#NoCoastalGaslinkPipeline#NoLine3#NoKXL#SolidarityWithUnistoten#NoPipelinesOnStolenLand

Anti-colonial Land Defense 发布于 2019年1月8日周二

Washington, DC

San Francisco, California

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