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Apr 5, 18

The Third Annual ‘Fight Toxic Prisons’ Convergence is June 8-11th in Pittsburgh, PA

The following is an announcement for third annual Fight Toxic Prisons convergence.

The third annual Fight Toxic Prisons Convergence will take place in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania from June 8-11th. The convergence will include speakers, panels, workshops, protests and cultural activities exploring the intersections of anti-prison and environmental struggles. We are currently confirming speakers for the conference and are excited to share updates with you in the coming months. We maintain a commitment to creating a space in which those most directly impacted are centered.

You can register at

To get a sense of what to expect, check out the panels and rabble-rousers from our 2017 Convergence to get a sense of what to expect.


While the conference is free and open to all, paying the sliding-scale registration fee of $25 – $50 will help cover the cost of food, housing and travel assistance to those who request it.


The closest airport is the Pittsburgh International Airport, and there are also Megabus and Greyhound bus routes, as well as train routes.


There will be some housing assistance offered. Please make sure to check that in the registration form.

Help Us Fundraise?:

Your donation will help us ensure that grassroots organizers, former political prisoners, family members and supporters of current prisoners are able to attend this convergence.

Donate through our fiscal sponsors at the Abolitionist Law Center by clicking here.

PLEASE NOTE, you must click “Is this for a specific case or project?” and type “FTP 2018 Convergence” to ensure the funds are available to us directly.

You can also donate via our 2018 fundraising site here.

By bringing together hundreds of grassroots activists from across the country the annual Fight Toxic Prisons Convergence seeks to build momentum across, bridges between, and solidarity among the movements for ecological justice, environmental justice, and prison reform/abolition. Through our annual convergences we seek to create space at the intersections of our various movements and across prison walls (at our 2017 convergence 9 prisoners called in to speak on panels and breakout groups), a space in which we can collectively explore how we might achieve liberation and justice. A space where we can directly share and learn from tactics, strategies, and experiences beyond the scope of our particular movements and campaigns that might play decisive roles in our local victories.

Check out more of our work and campaigns

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Earth liberation and prison abolition.

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