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Oct 6, 24

This Week in Fascism #138: Community Rallies Against Neo-Nazi in Pennsylvania; Spencer Sunshine on Violent Accelerationist Threat

Welcome back fellow antifascists!

As always, we have a lot to cover in this column, especially important analysis and lots of roundups of antifascist research and action. With lots to talk about, let’s dive right in!


As the next presidential election looms only weeks away, the Trump campaign ramps up rhetoric against immigrants while echoing neo-Nazi and white nationalist conspiracies about migrants in Springfield, OH and beyond.

As NPR reported:

The narrative about pet-eating has been decisively debunked. Even so, it has taken on momentum. Republican Vice Presidential candidate JD Vance has continued to repeat the lie, even after his campaign staff reportedly heard directly from Springfield officials that there was no evidence to support it. Since the debate, the city has fielded dozens of bomb threats against schools and other municipal facilities.

While the exact origin of the false claim is not clear, the [neo-Nazi group] Blood Tribe was early in featuring it on its alternative-tech Gab social media account. On August 11, a day after the group marched with swastika flags through Springfield, a commenter on the group’s page suggested that the city’s Haitian residents might eat pets. But on its alternative tech platform pages, the group’s reach has been limited. It wasn’t until EndWokeness, a right-wing account on X, posted about the topic on September 6 that the lie reached a significant audience.

These racist conspiracy theories, despite being debunked again and again, have led to a wave of bomb threats and racist attacks in Ohio, where JD Vance, Trump’s Vice Presidential running mate, is a Senator. Vance has a long history of association with the far-Right, from his close connection to Peter Thiel, his affinity for “neo-reactionary” thinkers, and his attendance at both the recent “National Conservative” conference and Christian Nationalist events.

Fascist and white supremacist groups have also continued to try and use the situation in Springfield to their advantage, with the Proud Boys holding a march of around a dozen members and Blood Tribe recently rallying outside of the Mayor’s home. While these events have been small, we shouldn’t underestimate the potential of these groups to engage in targeted violence and also take part in future racist mobilizations under the cover of Trump and the Republican party, if they do materialize.

Regardless of who wins the election, antifascist organizing will have to grow and evolve to meet these challenges, figuring out how to build deeper connections and relationships in rural communities and push back against both far-Right groups on the streets and their allies within the halls of power.

New charges against Trump over January 6th show how the attempted “Brooks Brothers Riot” of 2000, which far-Right Republican operative Roger Stone played a key part in, helped inspire the attempted coup on January 6th. As CNN reported:

“Make them riot,” a Donald Trump campaign operative said the day after Election Day in 2020, when Trump supporters were converging on the massive vote counting center in Detroit as votes were being counted. “Do it!!!” the operative added.

The request for a “riot” was similar to efforts in other swing states by Trump’s campaign in 2020, according to newly unsealed allegations filed by special counsel Jack Smith in federal court in Washington, DC.

It also echoes through the last 25 years of American politics, since the Trump operative, identified only as Person 5, had been warned there could be unrest reminiscent of the infamous “Brooks Brothers riot” that helped stop a recount in Miami-Dade County weeks after Election Day in 2000.

Neo-Nazi group Patriot Front is currently being sued by Charles Murrell III, who was attacked by the group in Boston two years ago. From a recent article:

A Black teacher and musician told a federal court Thursday that members of a white nationalist hate group punched, kicked and beat him with metal shields during a march through downtown Boston two years ago. Charles Murrell III, of Boston, was in federal court Thursday to testify in his lawsuit asking for an undisclosed amount of money from the group’s leader, Thomas Rousseau. Murrell was in the area of the Boston Public Library to play his saxophone on July 2, 2022, when he was surrounded by members of the Patriot Front and assaulted in a “coordinated, brutal, and racially motivated attack,” according to his lawsuit. A witness, who The Boston Globe said testified at the hearing, recalled how the group “were ganging up” on Murrell and “pushing him violently with their shields.” Murrell was taken by ambulance to the hospital for treatment of lacerations, some of which required stitches, the suit says. No one has been charged in the incident.

Patriot Front is also attempting to sue an antifascist who infiltrated the organization and leaked internal communications. According to Antifa Docket:

The defendant infiltrated Patriot Front and exposed the identities of a bunch of members. Being exposed as fascists apparently cost these fascists their jobs. You can read about a bunch of these fools on Unicorn Riot.

The judge ruled previously that plaintiffs had until February 2024 to serve the defendant or the case is dismissed. The fascists never served the defendant, and now they’re back in court seven months later asking to use “alternative” means to serve the defendant. It’s absurd that this judge is hearing this after the deadline to serve this person expired seven months ago. It just goes to show that if you can get a fancy lawyer to file documents on your behalf, you can use the courts as a weapon.

Read a full write-up on the case and read court documents, here.

Research Roundup

(L-R) Mike “Enoch” Penovich, Greg Conte, and Vincent Cucchiara of the National Justice Party (NJP)

The Anonymous Comrades Collective continues its deep-dive into the griftno-state collapse of the National Justice Party (NJP), which was run by neo-Nazi podcast ‘celebrities’ that seemingly pocketed hundreds of thousands of dollars from their white supremacist supporters. Merchant memes indeed. Some highlights:

…the National Justice Party was not even a legitimate political party. They were set up as a very much ‘for-profit’ limited liability company (LLC), never took any meaningful steps towards being a legitimate political entity, and never so much as put forth a single candidate for any sort of elected office. The only real resemblance they bore to conventional political parties is reflected in how much of their energy went towards fundraising. Between member dues and other donations, NJP raised well over a million dollars. However, basic arithmetic, using assumed headcount as well as likely operating expenses, suggests a Nazi house of cards buckling under a grim and unsustainable financial situation. Some of the raised cash got swallowed up in overhead and operating costs, but vast sums of donor and member monies have apparently gone unaccounted for…

The National Justice Party launched with bombast in 2020 with an event in a barn in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The owner of the barn was Charles Bausman, an American citizen and active pro-Kremlin Russian propagandist who was behind the website Russia Insider.  His Pennsylvania farm also served as the official business address for the National Justice Party and Bausman allowed several prominent Nazi propagandists to live on the property including NJP founding member Greg Conte and the racist and antisemitic podcaster and writer Norman ‘Trey’ Garrison aka ‘Spectre.’  Russia Insider evolved over time from promoting pro-Russian and Syrian conspiracy theories to openly embracing white nationalist and neo-Nazi ideology, and Bausman helped funnel Russian money and material support into the American white nationalist movement. Charles Bausman fled the country after his participation in the January 6th insurrection was exposed and is currently living in Russia…

…The beginnings of the collapse of the National Justice Party cannot be pinned on just one person. The unravelling actually seems to have started with three… a threesome, to be exact. Rumours had been circulating for some time about some shady sexual shenanigans regarding Michael McKevitt and his wife Allyson. Apparently the McKevitt’s used their influential positions within NJP and ‘Evergreen’ to facilitate threesomes with impressionable followers…

Read the full report here. The Anonymous Comrades Collective has also released a list of the group’s donors, which you can check out here.

Speaking of total losers, antifascist researchers have been exposing a wide range of Goyim Defense League (GDL) members, best known for throwing baggies of shitty flyers onto people lawns. Recent doxxes of GDL neo-Nazis include Ian Henry Desantis in Santa Barbara, CA, Brian Parker in Frisco, Texas, Brandon Cahall in Pittsburgh, PA, Colby Frank in Florida, and Caleb John Downs in Tulsa, OK.

We also wanna shout out Late Night Anti-Fascists, who have published some major pieces of oppositional research recently. First up, the group along with SoCal Research Club, just released a massive list of known members of the Goyim Defense League (GDL). This is a major resource for antifascists and anti-racist community groups looking to push back against neo-Nazis in their communities. They write:

In a collaborative effort between @LateNightAFA, @SCResearchClub and others, we present the ultimate #NameTheBozoTour GDL Member List with 90+ identifications of Goyim Defense League members and associates.

Check out the full list here. Late Night Anti-Fascists also has a roundup of recent reports on exposed neo-Nazis and white supremacists who attended the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.

Antifascists in Corvallis have a new investigation and expose into the neo-Nazi White Lives Matter (WLM) network in Oregon. This comes after antifascists infiltrated the group and released their findings in the following report:

This summer, an antifascist activist infiltrated the Oregon chapter of White Lives Matter (WLM). WLM is an international organization that focuses on promoting white supremacy through demonstrations and agitprop. The group utilizes somewhat innocuous sloganeering in an attempt to indoctrinate white people into their racist worldviews. However, the organization is entirely composed of unrepentant neo-Nazis who attempt to “hide their power level” in order to make their hateful opinions more palatable to the masses. Despite what their optics try to represent, WLM members have a penchant for violence. Last year, two separate associates of the group were convicted of a bombing and a chemical attack at churches in Ohio and New Jersey. As such, we deem this group a genuine threat to our Oregon community, and are choosing to expose them for the safety of those in the cities where they reside.

We leaked logs from WLM admin and Oregon chats twice back in 2021. Following our last leak of their channel, the organization ceased operations in Oregon for three years. The group was restarted in early 2024 by Christian Coats of Portland Oregon. Christian is currently an Asatru folkbuilder and longtime bonehead who was arrested for attempting to assault a group of Black Portlanders in 2005. Nonetheless, he is a particularly lazy and incompetent man, and did little to keep the group active until it was forcefully taken over by Cruz Dean Walters in the Spring of 2024. Under Cruz, the group has expanded to include a small coterie of degenerates, dunces, and even an antifascist infiltrator. Not all is well in Nazi world however. As we neared completion of this article, a disgruntled member of the organization reached out to provide us with information about his fellow members. The screenshots and audio recordings of their conversations come from both this member and our infiltrator.

Since its reformation, WLM Oregon has engaged in a statewide campaign of racist stickering, banner drops, and the targeted harassment of Oregon City Pride. The following article identifies the individuals responsible for these activities and calls upon members of their communities to reject their hatred.

Read the full report here.

Montreal Antifascists has a new expose into the Frontenac Active Club:

The Frontenac Active Club was formed in early 2023 (the Telegram channel was created on February 16) and is the direct descendent of the local White Lives Matter (WLM) group, which we wrote about in 2022. One of the group’s two leaders mentioned in that article, Laval’s Raphaël Dinucci, would become the mainstay and motive force of the FAC. Dinucci immediately forged links with the movement’s Ontario chapters, while gathering a core group of five or six militants who formed what is now the FAC.

We know that the FAC still maintains virtual links with other Canadian Active Clubs, notably with the group that was the subject of the RCMP raids, as well as with southwestern Ontario group Nationalist-13 (13 = AC, for anti-communist).

The group’s activities are centered in the Greater Montréal Area, with its members scattered across the south shore (Saint-Hubert, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu), the north shore (Laval), and as far away as Lanaudière (Rawdon). There also seems to be a handful of members/sympathizers in the Québec City area, but they hardly constitute a section as such, since their activity last year was limited to stickering and a few social outings in the Capital.

Read the full report here. Antifascists in so-called Vancouver also have a lengthy report up on “the extreme fascist group Diagolon.”

The splintered factions of the Atomwaffen Division continue to be exposed by antifascists as members of the accelerationist scene also face charges for a variety of terror plots. Anti-Hate Canada reported:

On September 9, the United States Department of Justice unsealed an indictment against Matthew Allison of Boise, Idaho, and Dallas Humber of Elk Grove, California. The pair have been charged with 15 counts for soliciting hate crimes, soliciting the murder of federal officials, and conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.

Left Coast Right Watch has a deep dive on Terrorgram collective leader Matthew Allison here. In other news, Sarah Beth Clendaniel, an accelerationist neo-Nazi in Baltimore, MD, was recently sentenced to 18 years, for plotting to carry out attacks on the power grid with one of the leaders of Atomwaffen, Brandon Russell. Idavox also has a report on a white supremacist in New Jersey, who was arrested “on charges that he solicited others to destroy energy facilities.”

As Philly Fash Watch and Jersey Counter-Info reported:

InJekt Division is a lesser known neo-nazi accelerationist crew styled similarly to Atomwaffen Division (AWD), that was founded by Texas native Coleman Thomas “Korb” Blevins. (More reading about far-right accelerationism can be found here). Blevins was radicalized on “Terrorgram”, a loose connection of Telegram accelerationist nazi and white supremacist channels that encourage and plan decentralized violence attacks across the globe, and founded InJekt Division shortly after. Blevins was later arrested by the federal government in 2021 for plotting a mass shooting at a Texas Walmart and was sentenced to 60 months prison for the plot…So far antifascists have identified well-known neo nazis Scotlyn Schmitt and Mathew Bair, both of PA, as official members of InJekt Division.

Speaking of New Jersey, Jersey Counter-Info reports:

Over the past few months NJ/PA/NY fascist crews have been feeling the heat. Between Mark Kauffman getting arrested the day before his wedding for old drug and gun charges in Massachusetts, former Philly anarchist Alex “Nar” Chubbuck being identified as a nazi, PA nazi Ben Ryder being revealed as a predatory sex offender, and Andrew “Cossack” Takhistov being entrapped by the feds into plotting an electrical substation attack, they have seen their organizations flounder and have been faced with a mass exodus of members.

While this can be considered a victory for antifascists, it cannot be ignored that there are still active and unidentified Nazis in the Tristate area. One such Nazi that recently came to the attention of antifascists was “JJ” or “@reject_sin” on Telegram, because of his close connection with Takhistov and the now defunct project “White Legion.” Antifascists have identified JJ as 18 year-old Jonathan Misura of Milltown, NJ.

Trenin Bayless

In Montana a neo-Nazi is running for a seat in the state’s House of Representatives as a Republican. The Daily Montanan writes:

A candidate for the Montana House of Representatives and a post-doctoral fellow at Montana Technical University in Butte has been reappointed to his position with the public university, even amid a request for an investigation by the state’s largest human rights organization because of concerns that he is an avowed white supremacist and neo-Nazi.

Bayless, a Republican, will appear on the ballot in a race in House District 74, which covers Butte. His challenger is Democrat Marc Lee. Previous calls to the Montana Republican Party went unreturned, and requests for any statement about Bayless’ candidacy have also gone unanswered.

The Montana Human Rights Network writes of Bayless:

Trenin Bayless is a postdoctoral researcher at Montana Tech. Previously, Bayless was employed at the Office of Public Instruction and has had a decade-long career in academia. He is also the white nationalist behind the internet persona ‘TurnCoat’.

Under the cover of anonymity, ‘TurnCoat’ uses his academic background and experience to posture as a pseudo-intellectual and proto-accelerationist influencer. Through his own social media platforms, as well as those run by other white nationalists and members of domestic terrorist organizations, he advocates for the infiltration of political offices by fascists and the indoctrination of graduate students, like those he mentors at Montana Tech, into neo-nazism and toward a militant accelerationist ideology.

This report details Bayless’ connections to neo-nazis and his involvement with hate groups like White Lives Matter (WLM). It also  documents his non-academic writings for white nationalist publishers Antelope Hill and White People’s Press, as well as the terrorist-connected propaganda outlet The American Futurist. Finally, it shows Bayless has been actively preparing himself and others for a violent collapse of “the System” by posting  weapons training videos under the thinly veiled cover of video game Live Action Role Playing, or LARPing.

Read the full report here.

Other recent reports include Left Coast Right Watch’s expose on a neo-Nazi musician in Portland, OR, Taylor S Cameron. The Daily Beast reported on Patriot Front member Ian Michael Elliott, a neo-Nazis in the Jiu Jitsu scene. Speaking of neo-Nazis in extreme sports, SoCal Research Club has a deep dive on Mohammad Wadaa and the growing MMA scene around various neo-Nazi groups like the Clockwork Crew.

The Anonymous Comrades Collective has a report up on “neo-Nazi propagandist ‘James Karlsson’ who heads up the White Papers Policy Institute (WPPI),” and Tennessee based neo-Nazi troll, “42-year-old Micheal Anthony George…” Philly Fash Watch exposed Scotlyn Elyse Schmitt, a neo-Nazi in York, PA. Blood Tribe member and neo-Nazi Nicholas Garner Fisher was doxxed in the southeast. Speaking of Blood Tribe, Late Night Anti-Fascists has a report on Drake Berentz, a neo-Nazi who helped push the conspiracy theory that immigrants were eating pets in Ohio. The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has a report on “Kai Liam Nix, 20, of West End, North Carolina, also known as Patrick NC inside Patriot Front, is stationed at Fort Liberty, North Carolina, with the 82nd Airborne Division,” and Christopher Moore, 60, a white nationalist and figure in the so-called “manosphere.”

The Texas Standard has a report up on members of the Aryan Brotherhood who attacked a mixed race family in Martindale, TX. By Way of Plymouth exposed former InfoWars guest and neo-Nazi Jarek L. Reihner. Front Range Anti-Fascists has a new report on Sina Simantob, local rich guy and supporter of neo-Nazis in the Colorado area. Lastly, Boring Antifa, has a report up about “Kelly Gladen…a far-right bigot living in Vancouver, WA… a main player in the group which has gotten numerous pride events in our area cancelled by intimidating them.”

Feature: Interview with Spencer Sunshine on James Mason, Atomwaffen Division, and the Continuing Influence of Siege and Accelerationist Neo-Nazi Currents

This Week in Fascism: You have a new book out, Neo-Nazi Terrorism and Countercultural Fascism: The Origins and Afterlife of James Mason’s Siege, about the history of James Mason, his publication SIEGE, and how it came to influence the rise of “accelerationist” neo-Nazi ideology, which is emblematic of groups like the Atomwaffen Division and The Base. What led Mason to go from being a member of the American Nazi Party to advocating for “lone wolf” terrorism and mass murder?

Spencer Sunshine: The story of his evolution is part of an important but overlooked period during which the kind of neo-Nazism that we see in the U.S. today emerged. Mason was a young teenager when he joined the American Nazi Party in 1966. The next year its leader, George Lincoln Rockwell, was assassinated. But his replacement, Matthias Koehl, was so unpopular that about ten different groups ended up splintering off throughout the 1970s.

They proceeded to argue amongst themselves about which strategies and tactics were best, and a number of them would later gain some level of notoriety. On the moderate end, David Duke was elected in 1989 to the Louisiana state congress, while on the more extreme, William Pierce wrote the infamous race war novel The Turner Diaries, which inspired the Oklahoma City bombing that killed 168.

“Neo-Nazi Terrorism and Countercultural Fascism: The Origins and Afterlife of James Mason’s Siege” by Spencer Sunshine

Mason took Pierce’s ideas one step further. Saying—quite rightly, if you ask me—that no political faction in the U.S. would allow a neo-Nazi party to take power, instead they should try to collapse the social and political system entirely, after which they would have a chance. He rejected parties, marches, grassroots organizing, and elections.

Instead, he advocated working with anyone who would help them, and especially encouraged single-actor mass murders and serial killings. These were to be done as publicly and dramatically as possible. Along the way he also befriended Charles Manson and proclaimed him the new neo-Nazi guru.

TWIF: How influential has SIEGE been on the wider neo-Nazi movement and Alt-Right? Without SIEGE do you think we would see as many neo-Nazi mass murderers and shooters as we have in the past 8 years? 

SS: Siege is an unusual case of there being a single ideological text which has really animated a whole slice of politics. Many of the ideas Mason outlined in the 1980s were incredibly prescient, including advocating high-profile single actor attacks; wallowing in “edgelord” extremes, including Satanism and pedophilia; and rejecting all other political forms in a nihilistic manner.

Those who embrace Siege form the most radical wing of the accelerationist tendency, so even those who have not read it are influenced by its gravitational pull. While so far there is no evidence that, for example, [Christchurch shooter] Brenton Tarrant was influenced by the book, all the members of the Atomwaffen Division were required to read it, and they have been linked to five murders. Including these, there have been at least twelve murders that can be connected to the book and its ideas—and these numbers only seem to be rising.

TWIF: Just recently we saw arrests of some of the people behind the “Terrorgram” neo-Nazi channel and also several individuals accused of plotting to attack critical infrastructure. What does this say about this section of the movement and its reach? 

SS: Terrorgram is directly inspired by the ideas in Siege; the indictment for the recent arrests even specifically mentions a slogan from the book that they used. These Telegram channels are carrying Mason’s ideas further into new digital spaces, giving them a wider, global reach, as we’ve seen from the recent attack in Eskisehir, Turkey. This perpetrator was in direct conflict with the two Terrorgram Collective members who were just arrested.

TWIF: The Atomwaffen Division has dissolved itself, but seems to have split into a variety of smaller groups. What’s become of this tendency and how strong is it today?

SS: Well, as anyone whose spent any time on the Left knows, ideologically based groups love to turn into factions and split into new ones. Neo-Nazis are no different! So some Atomwaffen members have left the movement, some went into new organizations, like the National Socialist Order and NSO9A (National Socialist Order of Nine Angles), and others are just are acting by themselves.

The Base, which did not come out of Atomwaffen – but is inspired by Siege, still exists. Atomwaffen also inspired other groups around the world, like the Feuerkrieg Division, and its propaganda continues to be circulated by new activists. So it has cast a long shadow.

But I would guess that many people who might have joined it in 2017 are now just active on Terrorgram, maybe working with a few others or maybe not. In many ways, this is an even more dangerous situation: there is no longer a concrete group to infiltrate and identify its members in advance of an attack.

TWIF: As more on the far-Right sour on Trump, do you think we’ll see an uptick of those picking up the banner of accelerationist neo-Nazi ideology?

SS: If he loses, then absolutely. Some pragmatic fascists—who have gone along with him on the basis that he’s successful—will conclude that, as Mason says, working through the system is pointless, and now more radical measures must be taken. This is what we saw on the Left after the mass anti-war protests of the 1960s failed, and armed struggle groups emerged like the Weather Underground and SLA. (Ironically, in the early 1980s Mason embraced the remainders of these groups under the idea that anything that attacked the present order was good.)

TWIF: Where can people get a copy of the book? 

SS: While some better bookstores carry it, it’s probably easiest to order copies directly through Routledge. And, if you must, Bezos has it too.

You can support Spencer on Patreon here and follow his work here.


Antifascist graffiti in Nashville, TN

In Nashville, TN, community members are standing in solidarity with a local bartender Deago Buck, who was arrested for defending his community against neo-Nazis, who attempted to rally in the city and harass members of the public in July. Locals also organized a march against continued neo-Nazi activity in their city and groups like Antifascist 615 have been countering neo-Nazi propaganda with antifascist graffiti and stencils.

Banner for “Fash Free Festival” in Portland, OR

The second annual “Fash Free” festival was recently held in Portland, OR, celebrating the mass antifascist mobilization against the last large showing of the Proud Boys in August of 2021 – and the fact that the far-Right has not rallied in large numbers in the city since.

Photos of neo-Nazi posters and banners destroyed in Colorado, Texas, and Pennsylvania.

Antifascists in various cities have been busy taking out the trash, taking down neo-Nazi stickers and flyers and covering it up with antifascist material in Colorado, Houston, TX, and Pittsburgh, PA.

In Montreal, an attempt by neo-Nazis to put up fascist posters in a working-class neighborhood didn’t go quite according to plan. According to a post by Montreal Antifascists:

Last night, the young ethnic nationalists of Nouvelle Alliance tried another nightly [propaganda] outing, this time in the multicultural and working-class neighbourhoods of Centre-Sud and Hochelaga. They have gone so far as to display on the window of the People’s Organization for Social Rights and the SITT – IWW Montreal.

To their great dismay, the popular response was swift. Indeed, the community mobilized, passers-by began to shout at them and the budding fascists felt threatened enough to call the police. The latter, always strangely prompt when it came to protecting Nouvelle Alliance, escorted the little soldiers of the French-Canadian race to their car and then out of the neighbourhood.

Let’s remind this backward-looking group that the street is not Instagram, and that they cannot walk in working-class neighborhoods with impunity. We encourage our supporters to keep an eye out and report and tear down their propaganda. Organize locally to make Montreal anti-fascist.

On September 20th, antifascists and the LGBTQ+ community in Montreal mobilized against far-Right gender fascists. See the call here.

In Millvale, PA, antifascists organized an outreach campaign and march on the home of neo-Nazi Brandon Cahall. PGH Fash Watch reported:

This evening, everyday antifascists distributed hundreds of flyers and stickers in Millvale to educate neighbors about Brandon Cahall, a neo-Nazi who lives in their neighborhood. A march moved through the borough and to Brandon’s house before dispersing.

The march was loud, in good spirits, and had many good conversations with neighbors and borough residents. We will continue to take action against WLM members and neo-Nazis in the city. Nazis out of Pittsburgh!

Community members are also posting photos of flyers outing Brandon around the region. Check out the campaign here. PGH Lesbian also has an article up about the campaign and recent antifascist actions.

Community members in Butte, MT held a rally and potluck to push back against recent neo-Nazi activity in their area, despite organizers receiving violent threats.

At Penn State, students and community members rallied against gender fascist Charlie Kirk, the millionaire CEO of Turning Point USA, a group which helped mobilize MAGA supporters to participated in the attempted January 6th coup.

In Tallahassee, FL, over 8o people rallied in defense of Common Ground Books, after far-Right groups threatened to protest a drag event held at the space.

In Grass Valley, CA a small rural town east of Sacramento, banners were dropped and around 50 people rallied against white nationalist Laura Loomer, who last week was invited to speak at a fundraiser for the Nevada County GOP.

Loomer, who is close with neo-Nazis like Nick Fuentes, has called for “Democrats” to be “executed” and was central in pushing white supremacist conspiracy theories about Haitian people eating pets. The Loomer event was held in total secret at a “residential address,” with no “members of the press” being allowed entrance, according to the local news.

Several pressure campaigns have been successful recently in forcing neo-Nazis and white supremacists from their jobs. Joey Bounds, a neo-Nazi in the GDL, was fired following a campaign in the Denver area.

In the Boston area, a neo-Nazi in Patriot Front, Jarek L. Reihner, was fired from his job as a substitute math teacher at a high school after being exposed by antifascists at By Way of Plymouth and local students.

Antifascist research and community organizing in Clarksville, TN, forced the resignation of neo-Nazi Logan Smith, an attendee of the deadly Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, from Austin Peay State University. According to the Nashville Scene:

Days after his name was tied to white-supremacist propaganda accounts, Logan Smith has left Austin Peay State University. The exit comes after protests by students and community members in Clarksville. Smith joined APSU’s Department of Psychological Science and Counseling as an assistant professor in August.

Smith was identified in April 2023 as the person behind multiple propaganda accounts publishing a broad range of hate speech, including praise for Adolf Hitler, attacks on minorities and support for the nuclear extermination of humanity. Sunlight Anti-Fascist Action, a self-identified “collective of anti fascist researchers,” posted extensive documentation tying Smith to these accounts, which operated under the pseudonym “Levi” Smith.

Lastly, Idavox is reporting:

The University of Pennsylvania published a public reprimand against racist professor Amy Wax announcing her suspension from teaching for a year and other sanctions. This comes less than two months before she is scheduled to speak at this year’s American Renaissance (AmRen) Conference, a White Supremacist event organized by Jared Taylor, the publisher of American Renaissance, who Wax had invited to speak at the university last year and has done so again for her classes this December.

Read the full report, here.

Solidarity and Support

  • Pittsburgh, PA based activists Peppy and Krystal, who faced charges following a protest against a gender fascist and anti-trans speaker, have accepted a plea deal. Find out more info on how to support and where to send Peppy a birthday card, here.
  • In South Bend, IN, community organizer Tonna Robinson is fighting assault charges connected to her alleged role in defending a drag show. She’s currently fundraising for legal fees.

Tonna Robinson

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