Filed under: Anarchist Movement, Announcement, Political Prisoners
Update on anarchist political prison Marius Mason, who has test positive for the coronavirus.
As of this writing, Marius has been in quarantine with other prisoners in a separate area since April 25, when he tested positive for the corona virus. Marius has underlying factors that make him vulnerable to COVID 19, and legal options are being pursued, thanks to his attorney.
Inmates in quarantine do still have access to phone calls and snail mail letters, but recently lost access to email, and letters can take an extended time to get to them. Prisoners have not been able to have visitors for quite some time, and at present, the visiting room is being used to house those in quarantine. The quarantine was for 18 days, but may well extend longer.
Prisoners at some state and federal prisons around the country have applied for, and a smaller number have been granted, compassionate release. As of 5-16-20, the Danbury, CT facility that Marius is housed at reported 30 inmates and 5 staff who have tested positive, and one prisoner has died. Obviously, this is a very liquid situation; you can find updated numbers at
Please write to Marius. Letters are so very important, especially now. He cannot reply to all, due to limits on his communication, but hearing about what others are doing and sharing supportive words are critical in these times that are frightening for everyone, but have even less predictability in a prison setting. There are no news sources in the quarantine area where he is now, so he appreciates news updates, on the virus, but also what others in the activist, art and literary world are doing. At present, no cards, use only white paper and envelopes, and hold off sending books because he does not know if they would get through under current conditions.
See also:
See the petition here: Case 3:20-cv-00569
To support Marius: Paypal at [email protected] or Venmo @supportmariusmason or order a Marius teeshirt