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Nov 3, 17

Warriors Remove Kinder Morgan Anti-Salmon Spawning Nets

Cover Photo from Swanson Occupation

Wild Salmon Warriors returned home yesterday after conducting a two week observation and removal of Kinder Morgan’s anti-salmon spawning mats that illegally disrupted four water ways in Secwepemc Territory.

The mats were installed without any knowledge or consent of the Nation, just as the Kinder Morgan pipeline is continuing without the free, prior and informed consent of the Nation as well. Upon learning the exact locations of 4 of the supposed 7 installation sites, Wild Salmon Warriors, on the authority of the Secwepemc Nation, have removed all such mats in the area.

LIVE: Off the Grid Tiny House Warriors Solar Installation! Why we choose to stop the Kinder Morgan pipeline and Keep it in the Ground! Tar Sands must be shut down to stop this climate catastrophe! #stopKM

Tiny House Warriors 发布于 2017年11月1日周三

The Women of Nations across the pipeline route have been clear, they do not consent to Kinder Morgan or Justin Trudeau’s dirty oil pipeline. The warriors have been clear as well. This pipeline will not be built. Stop the Kinder Morgan Pipeline. All Fish Farms Out of the Ocean.

For more information on fish farm occupations see Swanson Occupation and Musgamagw Dzawada’enuxw Cleansing Our Waters Pages. For more information on the Tiny House Warriors Project to stop KM see Tiny House Warriors. Otherwise, defend the water and the salmon, uphold the warriors and the movement.

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Warrior Publications is published in occupied Coast Salish territory (Vancouver, Canada). Its purpose is to promote warrior culture, fighting spirit, and resistance movements. In addition, this website seeks to function as an historical archive of Indigenous anti-colonial struggles and resistance, and to provide analysis of these struggles.

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